

II. 学会発表(2)国際学会及び海外の学会一般発表


演者 タイトル 学会名 発表地
◎Tsuji S Study of a breakthrough therapy utilizing alternative actions of vitamins A and D in a murine model of minimal change nephrotic syndrome Kidney week 2017 New Orleans, USA
◎Tsuji S, Takewa R, Yamanouchi Y, Akagawa S, Akagawa Y, Kimata T, Kaneko K Is dyssomnia in children with nocturnal enuresis the cause or a comorbidity? 第3回韓日夜尿症学会 Seoul,Republic of Korea
◎Jiro K, Chanley MA, Thomas DB, Smoyer WE, Shipra A Animal Models of Nephrotic Syndrome – Novel Double Hit and Optimization The 2017 Research Retreat Columbus,USA


演者 タイトル 学会名 発表地
◎Koga S, Araki A, Yamanouchi S, Kimata T, Tsuji S, Kaneko K Study of risk factors for Valproate-induced Fanconi Syndrome 14th Asian and Oceanian Congress of Child Neurology Fukuoka,Japan


演者 タイトル 学会名 発表地
◎Sakamoto K, Imamura T, Kihira K, Ishida H, Suzuki K, Morita H, Kanno M, Mori T, Hiramatsu H, Matsubara K, Terui K, Takahashi Y, Suenobu S, Hasegawa D, Kosaka Y, Kato K, Moriya-Saito A, Sato A, Kawasaki H, Yumura-Yagi K, Hara J, Hori H, Horibe K Low Incidence of Osteonecrosis in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treated with ALL-97 and ALL-02 Study of Japan Association of Childhood Leukemia Study Group. The 59th Annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology Atlamta, USA
◎Usami I, Imamura T, Takahashi Y, Suenobu S, Hasegawa D, Hashii Y, Deguchi T, Hori T, Shimada A, Kato K, Ito E, Moriya-Saito A, Kawasaki H, Hori H, Yumura-Yagi K, Hara J, Sato A, Horibe K The Outcome of Childhood B-Cell Precursor ALL with ETV6-RUNX1 Treated with Japan Association of Childhood Leukemia Study (JACLS) ALL-02 Trial. The 59th Annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology Atlamta, USA
◎Washio R, Takahashi M, Yamazoe T, Kang A, Noda Y, Kawasaki H, Kaneko K Acute Kidney Injury in Chemotherapy for Children with Pediatric Malignancy. The 59th Annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology Atlamta, USA