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iPS・幹細胞再生医学講座 研究教授
/イノベーション再生医学(服部)グループ PI
服部 文幸
Hattori fumiyuki
  • 1991年 4月 名古屋大学 理学部 生物科学部
  • 1995年 4月 名古屋大学大学院 理学研究科分子生物学科修士課程
  • 2003年 7月 名古屋大学 論文博士号(理学)取得
  • 1997年 4月 (株)サントリー医薬事業部、アスビオファーマ(株)に継承
  • 2002年10月 慶応大学医学部 循環器内科学講座へ派遣
  • 2012年10月 慶応大学医学部 循環器内科学講座 講師
  • 2018年 4月 関西医科大学 iPS・幹細胞再生医学講座 研究教授
博士 (理学専攻/論文; 名古屋大学, 2003年7月取得)
E-mail hattorif*hirakata.kmu.ac.jp
研究テーマ iPS細胞を用いる心臓組織の再生等
研究のキーワード iPS細胞、ES細胞、幹細胞、再生医療、心筋、心臓再生、移植医療、肝細胞、自動培養、コスメトロジー、皮膚科学
  • Hattori F, Nishiyama J, Hasuo H.: Correlation of interferons and autoimmune aspects in long COVID-19 patients. International Immunology 2025; (in press)[Link]
  • Okumura H, Hayashi M, Yamashita H, Hattori F.: Establishment and characterization of an induced pluripotent stem cell line from a Japanese cystic fibrosis patient with homozygous 1540del10 CFTR mutation. Genes & Diseases 2025; (in press)[Link]
  • Inomata Y, Kawatani N, Yamashita H, Hattori F.: Lgr6-expressing functional nail stem-like cells differentiated from human-induced pluripotent stem cells. PLOS ONE 2024;19(5) e0303260. [Link] プレスリリース日本経済新聞および産経新聞、他9紙に掲載されました。
  • Bando K, Yamashita H, Hattori F.: An Automated Culture System for Maintaining and Differentiating Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. J. Vis. Exp. 2024;Jan 26:(202). [Link]
  • Yamashita H, Hattori F.: Application of Live Mitochondria Staining in Cell-Sorting to Purify Hepatocytes Derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. J. Vis. Exp. 2023;Dec 1:(202). [Link]
  • Hanafusa Y, Shiraishi A, Hattori F.:Machine learning discriminates P2X7-mediated intracellular calcium sparks in human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural stem cells. Sci Rep 2023;13:12673. [Link]
    プレスリリース、 日経バイオテクでの紹介はこちら
  • Bando K, Yamashita H, Hattori F.: An Automated Culture System for Maintaining and Differentiating Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. J. Vis. Exp. 2024;Jan 26:(202). [Link]
  • Hattori F.: A Novel Cell Injection Method with Minimum Invasion. J. Vis. Exp. 2023;Apr 21:(194). [Link]
  • Nishimoto R, Kodama C, Yamashita H, Hattori F.: Human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived keratinocyte-like cells for research on protease-activated receptor 2 in non-histaminergic cascades of atopic dermatitis. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 2022;384:248-253. [Link]
    Viewpoint articleとして取り上げられました。Viewpoint Awardを受賞
  • Bando K, Yamashita H, Tsumori M, Minoura H, Okumura K, Hattori F.: Compact automated culture machine for human induced pluripotent stem cell maintenance and differentiation. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 2022;10:1074990.[Link]
  • Ito A, Okada T, Minato N, Hattori F.: Possible internal viral shedding and interferon production after clinical recovery from COVID-19: Case report. Frontiers of medicine 2022;9:959196.[Link]
  • 総説:山下裕美, 服部文幸.: ミトコンドリア量とALCAMの組み合わせによるヒト多能性幹細胞由来肝細胞の精製法. 月刊 細胞 2021;53(11):58.[Link]
  • Higashikuse Y, Mittal N, Arimura T, Yoon SH, Oda M, Enomoto H, Kaneda R, Hattori F, Suzuki T, Kawakami A, Gasch A, Furukawa T, Labeit S, Fukuda K, Kimura A, Makino S.: Perturbation of the titin/MURF1 signaling complex is associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in a fish model and in human patients.Dis Model Mech 2019;12(11):dmm041103.[Link]
  • Yamashita H, Fukuda K, Hattori F. Hepatocyte-like cells derived from human pluripotent stem cells can be enriched by combination of mitochondrial content and activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule.JMA Journal, 2019: 2(2); 174-183 [Link].
  • Park SH, Uzawa T, Hattori F, Ogino S, Morimoto N, Tsuneda S, Ito Y. "All-in-one" in vitro selection of collagen-binding vascular endothelial growth factor.Biomaterials 2018 Apr;161:270-278.
  • Tohyama S, Fujita J, Hishiki T, Matsuura T, Hattori F, Ohno R, Kanazawa H, Seki T, Nakajima K, Kishino Y, Okada M, Hirano A, Kuroda T, Yasuda S, Sato Y, Yuasa S, Sano M, Suematsu M, Fukuda K. Glutamine Oxidation Is Indispensable for Survival of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell Metabolism 2016 Apr 12;23(4):663-74.
  • Hashimoto H, Yuasa S, Tabata H, Tohyama S, Seki T, Egashira T, Hayashiji N, Hattori F, Kusumoto D, Kunitomi A, Takei M, Kashimura S, Yozu G, Shimojima M, Motoda C, Muraoka N, Nakajima K, Sakaue-Sawano A, Miyawaki A, Fukuda K. Analysis of cardiomyocyte movement in the developing murine heart. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2015 Sep 4;464(4):1000-7.
  • Hemmi N, Tohyama S, Nakajima K, Kanazawa H, Suzuki T, Hattori F, Seki T, Kishino Y, Hirano A, Okada M, Tabei R, Ohno R, Fujita C, Haruna T, Yuasa S, Sano M, Fujita J, Fukuda K. A massive suspension culture system with metabolic purification for human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Stem Cells Translational Medicine 2014 Dec;3(12):1473-83.
  • Hashimoto H, Yuasa S, Tabata H, Tohyama S, Hayashiji N, Hattori F, Muraoka N, Egashira T, Okata S, Yae K, Seki T, Nishiyama T, Nakajima K, Sakaue-Sawano A, Miyawaki A, Fukuda K. Time-lapse imaging of cell cycle dynamics during development in living cardiomyocyte. Journal of Molecular Cell Cardiology 2014 Jul;72:241-9.
  • Ohno Y, Yuasa S, Egashira T, Seki T, Hashimoto H, Tohyama S, Saito Y, Kunitomi A, Shimoji K, Onizuka T, Kageyama T, Yae K, Tanaka T, Kaneda R, Hattori F, Murata M, Kimura K, Fukuda K. Distinct iPS Cells Show Different Cardiac Differentiation Efficiency. Stem Cells International 2013;2013:659739.
  • Tohyama S, Hattori F, Sano M, Hishiki T, Nagahata Y, Matsuura T, Hashimoto H, Suzuki T, Yamashita H, Satoh Y, Egashira T, Seki T, Muraoka N, Yamakawa H, Ohgino Y, Tanaka T, Yoichi M, Yuasa S, Murata M, Suematsu M, Fukuda K. Distinct metabolic flow enables large-scale purification of mouse and human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Cell Stem Cell 2013 Jan 3;12(1):127-37.
  • Egashira T, Yuasa S, Suzuki T, Aizawa Y, Yamakawa H, Matsuhashi T, Ohno Y, Tohyama S, Okata S, Seki T, Kuroda Y, Yae K, Hashimoto H, Tanaka T, Hattori F, Sato T, Miyoshi S, Takatsuki S, Murata M, Kurokawa J, Furukawa T, Makita N, Aiba T, Shimizu W, Horie M, Kamiya K, Kodama I, Ogawa S, Fukuda K. Disease characterization using LQTS-specific induced pluripotent stem cells. Cardiovascular Research 2012 Sep 1;95(4):419-29.
  • Hattori F. Review: Extracellular cyclophilin A as a humoral factor modulating cardiovascular inflammatory responses. Journal of Molecular Cell Cardiology 2012 Jul;53(1):1-2.
  • Hattori F, Fukuda K. Review: Strategies for replacing myocytes with induced pluripotent stem in clinical protocols. Transplantation Reviews (Orlando). 2012 Jul;26(3):223-32.
  • Tajima H, Imada K, Sakuma M, Hattori F, Nara T, Kamo N, Homma M, Kawagishi I. Ligand specificity determined by differentially arranged common ligand-binding residues in bacterial amino acid chemoreceptors Tsr and Tar. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2011 Dec 9;286(49):42200-10.
  • Li W, Yamashita H, Hattori F, Chen H, Tohyama S, Satoh Y, Sasaki E, Yuasa S, Makino S, Sano M, Fukuda K. Simple autogeneic feeder cell preparation for pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Research 2011 Jan;6(1):83-9.
  • Hara M, Yuasa S, Shimoji K, Onizuka T, Hayashiji N, Ohno Y, Arai T, Hattori F, Kaneda R, Kimura K, Makino S, Sano M, Fukuda K. G-CSF influences mouse skeletal muscle development and regeneration by stimulating myoblast proliferation. Journal of Experimental Medicine 2011 Apr 11;208(4):715-27.
  • Hattori F. Review: CD117, adult cardiac stem cell marker, is transiently expressed in methothelial epicardial cells. Journal of Molecular Cell Cardiology 2010 Nov;49(5):711-2.
  • Yuasa S, Onizuka T, Shimoji K, Ohno Y, Kageyama T, Yoon SH, Egashira T, Seki T, Hashimoto H, Nishiyama T, Kaneda R, Murata M, Hattori F, Makino S, Sano M, Ogawa S, Prall OW, Harvey RP, Fukuda K. Zac1 is an essential transcription factor for cardiac morphogenesis. Circulation Research 2010 Apr 2;106(6):1083-91
  • Hattori F, Fukuda K. Review: Strategies for ensuring that regenerative cardiomyocytes function properly and in cooperation with the host myocardium. Experimental Molecular Medicine. 2010 Mar 31;42(3):155-65.
  • Shimoji K, Yuasa S, Onizuka T, Hattori F, Tanaka T, Hara M, Ohno Y, Chen H, Egasgira T, Seki T, Yae K, Koshimizu U, Ogawa S, Fukuda K. G-CSF promotes the proliferation of developing cardiomyocytes in vivo and in derivation from ESCs and iPSCs. Cell Stem Cell 2010 Mar 5;6(3):227-37.
  • Hattori F, Chen H, Yamashita H, Tohyama S, Satoh YS, Yuasa S, Li W, Yamakawa H, Tanaka T, Onitsuka T, Shimoji K, Ohno Y, Egashira T, Kaneda R, Murata M, Hidaka K, Morisaki T, Sasaki E, Suzuki T, Sano M, Makino S, Oikawa S, Fukuda K. Nongenetic method for purifying stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Nature Methods 2010 Jan;7(1):61-6.
  • Endo J, Sano M, Katayama T, Hishiki T, Shinmura K, Morizane S, Matsuhashi T, Katsumata Y, Zhang Y, Ito H, Nagahata Y, Marchitti S, Nishimaki K, Wolf AM, Nakanishi H, Hattori F, Vasiliou V, Adachi T, Ohsawa I, Taguchi R, Hirabayashi Y, Ohta S, Suematsu M, Ogawa S, Fukuda K.Metabolic remodeling induced by mitochondrial aldehyde stress stimulates tolerance to oxidative stress in the heart. Circulation Research 2009 Nov 20;105(11):1118-27.
  • Suzuki R, Hattori F, Itabashi Y, Yoshioka M, Yuasa S, Manabe-Kawaguchi H, Murata M, Makino S, Kokaji K, Yozu R, Fukuda K. Omentopexy enhances graft function in myocardial cell sheet transplantation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2009 Sep 18;387(2):353-9.
  • Tanaka T, Tohyama S, Murata M, Nomura F, Kaneko T, Chen H, Hattori F, Egashira T, Seki T, Ohno Y, Koshimizu U, Yuasa S, Ogawa S, Yamanaka S, Yasuda K, Fukuda K. In vitro pharmacologic testing using human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2009 Aug 7;385(4):497-502.
  • Chen H, Hattori F, Murata M, Li W, Yuasa S, Onizuka T, Shimoji K, Ohno Y,Sasaki E, Kimura K, Hakuno D, Sano M, Makino S, Ogawa S, Fukuda K. Common marmoset embryonic stem cell can differentiate into cardiomyocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2008 May 9;369(3):801-6.
  • Ieda M, Kanazawa H, Kimura K, Hattori F, Ieda Y, Taniguchi M, Lee JK, Matsumura K, Tomita Y, Miyoshi S, Shimoda K, Makino S, Sano M, Kodama I, Ogawa S, Fukuda K. Sema3a maintains normal heart rhythm through sympathetic innervation patterning. Nature Medicine 2007 May;13(5):604-12.
  • Hattori F, Oikawa S. Peroxiredoxins in the central nervous system. Review: Subcellular Biochemistry 2007;44:357-74.
  • Nagaoka M, Koshimizu U, Yuasa S, Hattori F, Chen H, Tanaka T, Okabe M, Fukuda K, Akaike T. E-cadherin-coated plates maintain pluripotent ES cells without colony formation. PLoS One 2006 Dec 20;1:e15.
  • Matsushima S, Ide T, Yamato M, Matsusaka H, Hattori F, Ikeuchi M, Kubota T, Sunagawa K, Hasegawa Y, Kurihara T, Oikawa S, Kinugawa S, Tsutsui H. Overexpression of mitochondrial peroxiredoxin-3 prevents left ventricular remodeling and failure after myocardial infarction in mice. Circulation 2006 Apr 11;113(14):1779-86.
  • Yuasa S, Itabashi Y, Koshimizu U, Tanaka T, Sugimura K, Kinoshita M, Hattori F, Fukami S, Shimazaki T, Ogawa S, Okano H, Fukuda K. Transient inhibition of BMP signaling by Noggin induces cardiomyocyte differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. Nature Biotechnology. 2005 May;23(5):607-11.
  • Hattori F, Murayama N, Noshita T, Oikawa S. Mitochondrial peroxiredoxin-3 protects hippocampal neurons from excitotoxic injury in vivo. Journal of Neurochemistry 2003 Aug;86(4):860-8.
  • Kamei R, Kitagawa Y, Kadokura M, Hattori F, Hazeki O, Ebina Y, Nishihara T, Oikawa S. Shikonin stimulates glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes via an insulin-independent tyrosine kinase pathway. Biochemcal and Biophysical Research Communications 2002 Apr 5;292(3):642-51.
  • 服部文幸 最新医学 2015年8月号 心筋再生の現状と展望p71~78 題:心筋細胞塊による効率的移植方法「ボール法」の確立と展望
  • Fumiyuki Hattori. Cardiomyocyte-Balls, Its application to the effective engraftment. Saisinigaku 2015 Vol.70, No8, pp71-75
  • Fumiyuki Hattori. Technology platforms for heart regenerative therapy using pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Volume 7, pp 33-45 ISBN 978-94-007-4284-0
  • Fumiyuki Hattori. How to Purify Cardiomyocytes for Research and Therapeutic Purposes. Cardiac Regeneration using Stem Cells, CRC Press 2013, Chapter 8, Pages 132–152, ISBN: 978-1-4665-7839-5
  • Fumiyuki Hattori. Recent trend of adjustment technology concerning cell culture and purification. Development of implantable medical materials in the body 2013 Chapter 4
  • Fumiyuki Hattori and Hiromi Yamashita. Regenerative medicine, perspective of medical application of stem cells, points of study for research cases and commercialization. Needs • Technology trend • Development know-how in Bio-genome related drug development Chapter 4
  • 服部文幸 再生医療学会誌 2011年5月号 題:ミトコンドリア特異的蛍光色素を用いた、ES及びiPS細胞由来心筋細胞の新規精製方法及び効果的移植方法
  • 服部文幸 再生医療学会誌 2010年8月号 題:iPS/ES 細胞由来心筋細胞の大量調製、純化に向けた取り組みと課題
  • 肝実質細胞を検出又は選択する方法
  • 心房梗塞の判定方法
  • 電位感受性蛍光色素の蛍光強度測定方法
  • 多能性幹細胞及び心筋細胞以外の分化細胞に対する細胞死誘導方法
  • 心筋細胞の細胞塊作製方法及び当該心筋細胞塊の用途
  • 新規細胞培養方法、およびその方法を用いた細胞塊の生産および回収方法
  • 幹細胞及び胎児由来の心筋細胞及び予定心筋細胞の精製方法
  • 細胞内ミトコンドリアを指標とした心筋細胞の選択方法
  • AOP-1遺伝子又はAOP-1の発現減少を伴う疾患の治療方法及び当該疾患治療薬
  • 日本再生医療学会 評議員
  • American Journal of Stem Cells, Editorial Board
  • Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies, Editorial Board
  • Journal of Clinical Medicine, Editorial Board
  • Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, Editorial Board
更新日 2024年1月31日
