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iPS・幹細胞再生医学 業績まとめ

2018-2024年 論文業績

  • Hattori F, Nishiyama J, Hasuo H.: Correlation of interferons and autoimmune aspects in long COVID-19 patients. International Immunology 2025; (in press)[Link]
  • Okumura H, Hayashi M, Yamashita H, Hattori F.: Establishment and characterization of an induced pluripotent stem cell line from a Japanese cystic fibrosis patient with homozygous 1540del10 CFTR mutation. Genes & Diseases 2025; (in press)[Link]
  • Kato T, Nakatsuka R, Zhang R, Uemura Y, Yamashita H, Matsuoka Y, Shirouzu Y, Fujioka T, Hattori F, Ogata H, Sakashita A, Honda H, Hitomi H.: The role of glial cells missing 2 in induced pluripotent stem cell parathyroid differentiation. Tissue and Cell 2025;92:102634. [Link]
  • Okano M, Yasuda M, Shimomura Y, Matsuoka Y, Shirouzu Y, Fujioka T, Kyo M, Tsuji S, Kaneko K, Hitomi H.: Citrin-deficient patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells as a pathological liver model for congenital urea cycle disorders. Mol Genet Metab Rep 2024;40:101096. [Link]
  • Inomata Y, Kawatani N, Yamashita H, Hattori F.: Lgr6-expressing functional nail stem-like cells differentiated from human-induced pluripotent stem cells. PLOS ONE 2024;19(5) e0303260. [Link] プレスリリース日本経済新聞および産経新聞、他9紙に掲載されました。
  • Bando K, Yamashita H, Hattori F.: An Automated Culture System for Maintaining and Differentiating Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. J. Vis. Exp. 2024;Jan 26:(202). [Link]
  • Yamashita H, Hattori F.: Application of Live Mitochondria Staining in Cell-Sorting to Purify Hepatocytes Derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. J. Vis. Exp. 2023;Dec 1:(202). [Link]
  • Hanafusa Y, Shiraishi A, Hattori F.: Machine learning discriminates P2X7-mediated intracellular calcium sparks in human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural stem cells. Sci Rep 2023;13:12673. [Link]
    プレスリリース、 日経バイオテクでの紹介はこちら
  • Hattori F.: A Novel Cell Injection Method with Minimum Invasion. J. Vis. Exp. 2023;Apr 21:(194). [Link]
  • Nishimoto R, Kodama C, Yamashita H, Hattori F.: Human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived keratinocyte-like cells for research on protease-activated receptor 2 in non-histaminergic cascades of atopic dermatitis. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 2022;384:248-253. [Link]
    Viewpoint articleとして取り上げられました。Viewpoint Awardを受賞
  • Bando K, Yamashita H, Tsumori M, Minoura H, Okumura K, Hattori F.: Compact automated culture machine for human induced pluripotent stem cell maintenance and differentiation. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 2022;10:1074990.[Link]
  • Araki-Sasaki K, Kanagawa T, Matsuoka Y.: HCE-T cells express cornea-specific differentiation marker, PAX6 protein. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2022;260:4015-4017.[Link]
  • Ito A, Okada T, Minato N, Hattori F.: Possible internal viral shedding and interferon production after clinical recovery from COVID-19: Case report. Frontiers of medicine 2022;9:959196.[Link]
  • 総説:山下裕美, 服部文幸.: ミトコンドリア量とALCAMの組み合わせによるヒト多能性幹細胞由来肝細胞の精製法. 月刊 細胞 2021;53(11):58.[Link]
  • Sonoda Y.: Human CD34-negative hematopoietic stem cells:The current understanding of their biological nature. Experimental Hematology 2021;96:13.[Link]
  • Matsuoka Y, Nakatsuka R, Fujioka T.: Automatic Discrimination of Human Hematopoietic Tumor Cell Lines using a Combination of Imaging Flow Cytometry and Convolutional Neural Network. Human Cell 2021;34(3):1021.[Link]
  • Katagiri N, Hitomi H, Mae S, Kotaka M, Lei L, Yamamoto T, Nishiyama A, Osafune K.: Retinoic acid regulates erythropoietin production cooperatively with hypoxia-inducible factors in human iPSC-derived erythropoietin-producing cells. Scientific reports 2021;11(1):3936.[Link]
  • Nishimoto S, Mizuno T, Takahashi K, Nagano F, Yuzawa Y, Nishiyama A, Osafune K, Hitomi H, Nagamatsu T.: CD140b and CD73 are markers for human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived erythropoietin-producing cells. FEBS Open Bio 2020;10:427-33.[Link]
  • 総説:松岡 由和.: イメージサイトメトリーと機械学習による明視野像を用いた細胞の自動判別. Cytometry Research, 2020;30(1):15.[Link]
  • Higashikuse Y, Mittal N, Arimura T, Yoon SH, Oda M, Enomoto H, Kaneda R, Hattori F, Suzuki T, Kawakami A, Gasch A, Furukawa T, Labeit S, Fukuda K, Kimura A, Makino S.: Perturbation of the titin/MURF1 signaling complex is associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in a fish model and in human patients.Dis Model Mech 2019;12(11):dmm041103.[Link]
  • Yamazaki D, Konishi Y, Morikawa T, Kobara H, Masaki T, Hitomi H, Osafune K, Nakano D, Kittikulsuth W, Nishiyama A.: Failure to confirm an SGLT2 inhibitor-induced hematopoietic effect in non-diabetic rats with renal anemia. J Diabetes Investig 2019;11(4):834-43..[Link]
  • 総説:角出 啓輔, 松岡 由和, 薗田 精昭.: ヒト臍帯血由来CD34抗原陰性造血幹細胞の1細胞解析から見えた新たなヒト造血幹細胞の階層制. 関西医科大学雑誌, 70;1-8 2019.[Link]
  • Yamashita H, Fukuda K, Hattori F. Hepatocyte-like cells derived from human pluripotent stem cells can be enriched by combination of mitochondrial content and activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule.JMA Journal, 2019: 2(2); 174-183 [Link].
  • Tamaki H, Ikegame K, Yoshihara S, Kaida K, Yoshihara K, Inoue T, Kato R, Nakata J, Fujioka T, Soma T, Okada M and Ogawa H, Low incidence of HHV-6 reactivation in haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation with corticosteroid as graft-vs-host disease prophylaxis compared with cord blood transplantation, Transplant Infectious Disease:e13073, 2019.[Link]
  • Matsuoka Y, Sumide K, Sonoda Y. One-year Observation of the SCID-repopulating Cell Activities of Human Cord Blood-derived CD34-positive and -negative Hematopoietic Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, 15;459-461 2019.[Link].
  • 総説:松岡 由和、薗田 精昭 ヒト臍帯血由来造血幹細胞の陽性分子マーカーとしてのGPI-80抗原の有用性。Cytometry Research, 28 (2):13-17, 2018.[Link]
  • Preprint:Matsuoka Y, Nakatsuka R, Fujioka T. Automatic Single-Cell Discrimination by Cellular Appearance using Convolutional Neural Network. bioRxiv, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/446823
  • Matsuoka Y, Nakamura F, Hatanaka K, Fujioka T, Otani S, Kimura T, Fujimura Y, Asano H and Sonoda Y, The number of CD34+CD133+ hematopoietic stem cell residing in umbilical cord blood (UCB) units is not correlated with the number of total nucreated cells and CD34+ cells: A possible new indicator for quality evaluation of UCB units. International Journal of Hematology, DOI: 10.1007/s12185-018-2502-7 ,2018.[Link]
  • Sumide K, Matsuoka Y, Kawamura H, Nakatsuka R, Fujioka T, Asano H, Takihara Y, Sonoda Y: A Revised Road Map for the Comittment of Human Cord Blood CD34-negative Hematopoietic Stem Cells. Nature Communications 9(1):2202,2018.[Link]
  • Kawamura H, Nakatsuka R, Matsuoka Y, Sumide K, Fujioka T, Asano H, Sonoda Y: TGF-β Signaling Accelerates Senescence of Human Bone-Derived CD271 and SSEA-4 Double-Positive Mesenchymal Stromal Cells. Stem Cell Reports 10(3):920-32, 2018.[Link]
  • Zhang Y, Nakano D, Guan Y, Hitomi H, Uemura A, Masaki T, Kobara H, Sugaya T, Nishiyama A: A sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor attenuates renal capillary injury and fibrosis by a vascular endothelial growth factor-dependent pathway after renal injury in mice. Kidney International 94(3):524-535, 2018.[Link]
  • Wan N, Rahman A, Hitomi H, Nishiyama A: The Effects of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors on Sympathetic Nervous Activity. Frontiers in Endocrinology 26;9:421, 2018.[Link]
  • Li L, Konishi Y, Morikawa T, Zhang Y, Kitabayashi C, Kobara H, Masaki T, Nakano D, Hitomi H, Kobori H, Nishiyama A: Effects of an SGLT2 inhibitor on the systemic and intrarenal renin-angiotensin system in subtotally nephrectomized rats. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 137:220-3, 2018.[Link]
  • Rahman A, Yamazaki D, Sufiun A, Kitada K, Hitomi H, Nakano D, Nishiyama A.: A novel approach to adenine-induced chronic kidney disease associated anemia in rodents. PLoS One 13:e0192531, 2018.[Link]
  • Yamazaki D, Hitomi H, Nishiyama A.: Hypertension with diabetes mellitus “Complications”. Hypertension Research 41:147-56, 2018.[Link]
  • Park SH, Uzawa T, Hattori F, Ogino S, Morimoto N, Tsuneda S, Ito Y. "All-in-one" in vitro selection of collagen-binding vascular endothelial growth factor.Biomaterials 2018 Apr;161:270-278.[Link]

2018-2020年 関連特許

  • ヒト造血幹細胞濃縮画分の製造方法
    発明者:薗田 精昭, 松岡 由和, 角出 啓輔
  • 肝実質細胞を検出又は選択する方法

幹細胞再生医学 人見グループ主要業績


  • Okano M, Yasuda M, Shimomura Y, Matsuoka Y, Shirouzu Y, Fujioka T, Kyo M, Tsuji S, Kaneko K, Hitomi H.: Citrin-deficient patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells as a pathological liver model for congenital urea cycle disorders. Mol Genet Metab Rep 2024;40:101096.[Link]


  • Katagiri N, Hitomi H, Mae S, Kotaka M, Lei L, Yamamoto T, Nishiyama A, Osafune K.: Retinoic acid regulates erythropoietin production cooperatively with hypoxia-inducible factors in human iPSC-derived erythropoietin-producing cells.Scientific reports 2021;11(1):3936.[Link]


  • Nishimoto S, Mizuno T, Takahashi K, Nagano F, Yuzawa Y, Nishiyama A, Osafune K, Hitomi H, Nagamatsu T.: CD140b and CD73 are markers for human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived erythropoietin-producing cells.FEBS Open Bio 2020;10:427-33.[Link]
  • .


  • Yamazaki D, Konishi Y, Morikawa T, Kobara H, Masaki T, Hitomi H, Osafune K, Nakano D, Kittikulsuth W, Nishiyama A.:Failure to confirm an SGLT2 inhibitor-induced hematopoietic effect in non-diabetic rats with renal anemia. J Diabetes Investig 2019 in press.[Link]


  • Zhang Y, Nakano D, Guan Y, Hitomi H, Uemura A, Masaki T, Kobara H, Sugaya T, Nishiyama A: A sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor attenuates renal capillary injury and fibrosis by a vascular endothelial growth factor-dependent pathway after renal injury in mice. Kidney International 94(3):524-535, 2018.[Link]
  • Wan N, Rahman A, Hitomi H, Nishiyama A: The Effects of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors on Sympathetic Nervous Activity. Frontiers in Endocrinology 26;9:421, 2018.[Link]
  • Li L, Konishi Y, Morikawa T, Zhang Y, Kitabayashi C, Kobara H, Masaki T, Nakano D, Hitomi H, Kobori H, Nishiyama A: Effects of an SGLT2 inhibitor on the systemic and intrarenal renin-angiotensin system in subtotally nephrectomized rats. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 137:220-3, 2018.[Link]
  • Rahman A, Yamazaki D, Sufiun A, Kitada K, Hitomi H, Nakano D, Nishiyama A.: A novel approach to adenine-induced chronic kidney disease associated anemia in rodents. PLoS One 13:e0192531, 2018.[Link]
  • Yamazaki D, Hitomi H, Nishiyama A.: Hypertension with diabetes mellitus “Complications”. Hypertension Research 41:147-56, 2018.[Link]


  • Hitomi H, Kasahara T, Katagiri N, Hoshina A, Mae S, Kotaka M, Toyohara T, Rahman A, Nakano D, Niwa A, Saito M, Nakahata T, Nishiyama A, Osafune K.: Human pluripotent stem cell-derived erythropoietin-producing cells ameliorate renal anemia in mice. Science Translational Medicine 9:409, 2017.
  • Ansary TM, Fujisawa Y, Rahman A, Nakano D, Hitomi H, Kobara H, Masaki T, Titze JM, Kitada K, Nishiyama A.: Responses of renal hemodynamics and tubular functions to acute sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor administration in non-diabetic anesthetized rats. Scientific Reports 7:9555, 2017.
  • Rahman A, Fujisawa Y, Nakano D, Hitomi H, Nishiyama A.: Effect of a selective SGLT2 inhibitor, luseogliflozin, on circadian rhythm of sympathetic nervous function and locomotor activities in metabolic syndrome rats. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 44:522-5, 2017.
  • Hasan AU, Kittikulsuth W, Yamaguchi F, Ansary TM, Rahman A, Shibayama Y, Nakano D, Hitomi H, Tokuda M, Nishiyama A.: IBMX protects human proximal tubular epithelial cells from hypoxic stress through suppressing hypoxia-inducible factor-1α expression. Experimental Cell Research 358:343-51, 2017.
  • Guan Y, Nakano D, Zhang Y, Li L, Liu W, Nishida M, Kuwabara T, Morishita A, Hitomi H, Mori K, Mukoyama M, Masaki T, Hirano K, Nishiyama A.: A protease-activated receptor-1 antagonist protects against podocyte injury in a mouse model of nephropathy. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 135:81-8, 2017.
  • Miyashita T, Inamoto R, Fukuda S, Hoshikawa H, Hitomi H, Kiyomoto H, Nishiyama A, Mori N.: Hormonal changes following a low-salt diet in patients with Ménière's disease. Auris Nasus Larynx 44:52-7, 2017.
  • Rahman A, Hitomi H, Nishiyama A.: Cardioprotective effects of SGLT2 inhibitors are possibly associated with normalization of the circadian rhythm of blood pressure. Hypertension Research 40:535-40, 2017.
  • Hitomi H, Nishiyama A.: How should we treat patients with primary aldosteronism to prevent new-onset diabetes mellitus? Journal of Hypertensions. 35:1575-6, 2017.


  • Rahman A, Kittikulsuth W, Fujisawa Y, Sufiun A, Rafiq K, Hitomi H, Nakano D, Sohara E, Uchida S, Nishiyama A.: Effects of diuretics on sodium-dependent glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor-induced changes in blood pressure in obese rats suffering from the metabolic syndrome. Journal of Hypertension 34:893-906, 2016.
  • Mizushige T, Kobori H, Hitomi H, Nishijima Y, Tomoda F, Morimoto S, Kohno M, Nishiyama A.: Urinary Angiotensinogen Could Be a Prognostic Marker of the Renoprotection of Olmesartan in Metabolic Syndrome Patients. International Journal of Molecular Science 17:1800, 2016.
  • 人見浩史, 長船健二, 西山成,: ヒトiPS細胞由来エリスロポエチン産生細胞. 腎・高血圧の最新治療, 5:69-73, 2016.


  • Morita T, Nakano D, Kitada K, Morimoto S, Ichihara A, Hitomi H, Kobori H, Shiojima I, Nishiyama A.: Chelation of dietary iron prevents iron accumulation and macrophage infiltration in the type I diabetic kidney. European Journal of Pharmacology 756:85-91, 2015.
  • 人見浩史, 長船健二,: iPS細胞からポドサイトへの分化. 腎と透析, 78:353-6, 2015.


  • Liu G, Hitomi H, Rahman A, Nakano D, Mori H, Masaki T, Ma H, Iwamoto T, Kobori H, Nishiyama A.: High sodium augments angiotensin II-induced vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation through ERK 1/2- dependent pathway. Hypertension Research 37:13-8, 2014.
  • Rafiq K, Fan YY, Sherajee SJ, Takahashi Y, Matsuura J, Hase N, Mori H, Nakano D, Kobara H, Hitomi H, Masaki T, Urata H, Nishiyama A.: Chymase activities and survival in endotoxin-induced human chymase transgenic mice. International Journal of Medical Sciences 11:222-5, 2014.
  • Yasuno T, Osafune K, Sakurai H, Asaka I, Tanaka A, Yamaguchi S, Yamada K, Hitomi H, Arai S, Kurose Y, Higaki Y, Sudo M, Ando S, Nakashima H, Saito T, Kaneoka H.: Functional analysis of iPSC-derived myocytes from a patient with carnitine palmitoyltransferase II deficiency. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 448:175-81, 2014.
  • Kitada K, Nakano D, Ohsaki H, Hitomi H, Minamino T, Yatabe J, Felder RA, Mori H, Masaki T, Kobori H, Nishiyama A.: Hyperglycemia causes cellular senescence via a SGLT2- and p21-dependent pathway in proximal tubules in the early stage of diabetic nephropathy. Journal of Diabates Complications 28:604-11, 2014.
  • 人見浩史, 長船健二, 西山成,: 腎性貧血に対する未来医療. 腎・高血圧の最新治療, 3:100-4, 2014.
  • 人見浩史, 長船健二,: ヒト腎臓再生への挑戦. 生体の科学, 65:244-8, 2014.
  • 人見浩史, 長船健二, 西山成,: 医薬品の開発や適正使用へのiPS細胞技術の応用. 日本病院薬剤師会雑誌, 50:447-50, 2014.


  • Fan YY, Kobori H, Nakano D, Hitomi H, Mori H, Masaki T, Sun YX, Zhang L, Huang W, Zhu B, Li P, Nishiyama A.: Aberrant activation of the intrarenal renin-angiotensin system in the developing kidneys of type 2 diabetic rats. Hormone Metabolism Research 45:338-43, 2013.
  • Kosaka S, Pelish N, Rahman M, Nakano D, Hitomi H, Kobori H, Fukuoka N, Kobara H, Mori H, Masaki T, Cervenka L, Matsumura Y, Houchi H, Nishiyama A.: Effects of angiotensin II AT1 receptor blockade on high fat diet-induced vascular oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in Dahl salt-sensitive rats. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 121:95-102, 2013.
  • Ohnishi K, Murase M, Nakano D, Pelisch N, Hitomi H, Kobori H, Morimoto S, Mori H, Masaki T, Ohmori K, Kohno M, Ichihara A, Nishiyama A.: Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Does Not Suppress Renal Angiotensin II Levels in Angiotensin I-Infused Rats. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 122:103-8, 2013.
  • Liu Y, Hitomi H, Diah S, Deguchi K, Mori H, Masaki T, Nakano D, Kobori H, Nishiyama A.: Roles of Na+/H+ Exchanger Type 1 and Intracellular pH in Angiotensin II-Induced Reactive Oxygen Species Generation and Podocyte Apoptosis. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 122:176-83, 2013.
  • Sherajee SJ, Rafiq K, Nakano D, Mori H, Kobara H, Hitomi H, Fujisawa Y, Kobori H, Masaki T, Nishiyama A.: Aldosterone aggravates glucose intolerance induced by high fructose. European Journal of Pharmacology 720:63-8, 2013.
  • Rafiq K, Sherajee SJ, Hitomi H, Nakano D, Kobori H, Ohmori K, Mori H, Kobara H, Masaki T, Kohno M, Nishiyama A.: Calcium channel blocker enhances beneficial effects of an angiotensin II AT1 receptor blocker against cerebrovascular-renal injury in type 2 diabetic mice. PLoS One 8:e82082, 2013.
  • Shibayama Y, Hitomi H, Nakano D, Kobori H, Mori H, Deguchi K, Masaki T, Ichihara A, Nishiyama A.: Role of (pro)renin receptor in angiotensin II-dependent and -independent EGF receptor transactivation. Frontiers of Bioacience E5:697-705, 2013.


  • Sherajee SJ, Fujita Y, Rafiq K, Nakano D, Mori H, Masaki T, Hara T, Kohno M, Nishiyama A, Hitomi H.: Aldosterone Induces Vascular Insulin Resistance by Increasing Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Receptor and Hybrid Receptor. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 32:257-63, 2012.
  • Nakano D, Lei B, Kitada K, Hitomi H, Kobori H, Mori H, Deguchi K, Masaki T, Minamino T, Nishiyama A.: Aldosterone does not contribute to renal p21 expression during the development of angiotensin II-induced hypertension in mice. American Journal of Hypertension 25:354-8, 2012.
  • Sofue T, Kiyomoto H, Kobori H, Urushihara M, Nishijima Y, Kaifu K, Hara T, Matsumoto S, Ichimura A, Ohsaki H, Hitomi H, Kawachi H, Hayden MR, Whaley-Connell A, Sowers JR, Ito S, Kohno M, Nishiyama A.: Early treatment with olmesartan prevents juxtamedullary glomerular podocyte injury and the onset of microalbuminuria in type 2 diabetic rats. American Journal of Hypertension 25:604-11, 2012.
  • Rafiq K, Noma T, Fujisawa Y, Ishihara Y, Arai Y, Navi AHMN, Suzuki F, Nakano D, Hitomi H, Kitada K, Urushihara M, Kobori H, Kohno M, Nishiyama A.: Renal sympathetic denervation suppresses de novo podocyte injury and albuminuria in rats with aortic regurgitation. Circulation 125:1402-13, 2012.
  • Lei B, Nakano D, Fan YY, Kitada K, Hitomi H, Kobori H, Mori H, Masaki T, Nishiyama A.: Add-On Aliskiren Elicits Stronger Renoprotection Than High-Dose Valsartan in Type 2 Diabetic KKAy Mice That Do Not Respond to Low-Dose Valsartan. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 119:131-8, 2012.
  • Lei B, Nakano D, Fujisawa Y, Liu Y, Hitomi H, Kobori H, Mori H, Masaki T, Asanuma K, Tomino Y, Nishiyama A.: N-type calcium channel inhibition with cilnidipine elicits glomerular podocyte protection independent of sympathetic nerve inhibition. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 119:359-67, 2012.
  • Kitada K, Nakano D, Liu Y, Fujisawa Y, Hitomi H, Shibayama Y, Shibata H, Nagai Y, Mori H, Masaki T, Kobori H, Nishiyama A.: Oxidative stress-induced glomerular mineralocorticoid receptor activation limits the benefit of salt reduction in Dahl salt-sensitive rats. PLoS One 7:e41896, 2012.
  • Nakano D, Kobori H, Burford JL, Gevorgyan H, Seidel S, Hitomi H, Nishiyama A, Peti-Peterdi J.: Multiphoton Imaging of the Glomerular Permeability of Angiotensinogen. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 23:1847-56, 2012.
  • Kitada K, Nakano D, Hitomi H, Kobori H, Deguchi K, Mori H, Masaki T, Nishiyama A.: Aldosterone induces p21-regulated apoptosis via increased synthesis and secretion of tumour necrosis factor-α in human proximal tubular cells. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 39:858-63, 2012.
  • Nishijima Y, Kobori H, Sofue T, Kaifu K, Moriwaki K, Hara T, Hitomi H, Kohno M, Nishiyama A.: Important aspects of urine sampling for angiotensinogen measurement: time and preservation conditions in healthy individuals. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 228:333-9, 2012.


  • Hitomi H, Kaifu K, Fujita Y, Sofue T, Nakano D, Moriwaki K, Hara T, Kiyomoto H, Kohno M, Kobori H, Nishiyama A.: Angiotensin II shifts insulin signaling into vascular remodeling from glucose metabolism in vascular smooth muscle cells. American Journal of Hypertension 24:1149-55, 2011.
  • Hitomi H, Mehta PK, Taniyama Y, Lassègue B, Seidel-Rogol B, San Martin A, Griendling KK.: Vascular smooth muscle insulin resistance, but not hypertrophic signaling, is independent of Angiotensin II-induced IRS-1 phosphorylation by JNK. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 301:C1415-22, 2011.
  • Liu G, Hitomi H, Nosomi N, Shibayama Y, Nakano D, Kiyomoto H, Ma H, Yamaji Y, Kohno M, Ichihara A, Itoh H, Nishiyama A.: Prorenin induces vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and hypertrophy via EGF receptor-mediated ERK and Akt activation pathway. Journal of Hypertension 29:696-705, 2011.
  • Liu G, Hitomi H, Hosomi N, Lei B, Nakano D, Deguchi K, Mori H, Masaki T, Ma H, Griendling KK, Nishiyama A.: Mechanical stretch augments insulin-induced vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation by insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor. Experimental Cell Research 317:2420-8, 2011.
  • Lei B, Hitomi H, Mori T, Nagai Y, Deguchi K, Mori H, Masaki T, Nakano D, Kobori H, Kitaura Y, Nishiyama A.: Effect of Efonidipine on TGF-β1-Induced Cardiac Fibrosis Through Smad2-Dependent Pathway in Rat Cardiac Fibroblasts. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 117:98-105, 2011.
  • Rafiq K, Nakano D, Hitomi H, Ihara G, Nagai Y, Fujisawa Y, Ohashi N, Kobori H, Kiyomoto H, Kohno M, Nishiyama A.: Effects of mineralocorticoid receptor blockade on glucocorticoid-induced renal injury in adrenalectomized rats. Journal of Hypertension 29:290-8, 2011.
  • Liu G, Hosomi N, Hitomi H, Pelish N, Fu H, Masugata H, Murao K, Ueno M, Matsumoto M, Nishiyama A.: Angiotensin II induces human astrocyte senescence via reactive oxygen species production. Hypertension Research 34:479-83, 2011.
  • Pelisch N, Hosomi N, Ueno M, Nakano D, Hitomi H, Mogi M, Shimada K, Kobori H, Horiuchi M, Sakamoto H, Matsumoto M, Kohno M, Nishiyama A.: Blockade of angiotensin II AT1 receptors protects the blood brain barrier and cognition in Dahl salt-sensitive hypertensive rats. American Journal of Hypertension 24:362-8, 2011.
  • Fan YY, Kohno M, Hitomi H, Kitada K, Fujisawa Y, Yatabe J, Yatabe M, Felder RA, Ohsaki H, Rafiq K, Sherajee SJ, Noma T, Nishiyama A, Nakano D.: Aldosterone/Mineralocorticoid receptor stimulation induces cellular senescence in the kidney. Endocrinology 152:680-8, 2011.
  • Rafiq K, Sherajee SJ, Fan YY, Fujisawa Y, Takahashi Y, Matsuura J, Hase N, Urata H, Nakano D, Hitomi H, Nishiyama A.: Blood glucose level and survival in streptozotocin-treated human chymase transgenic mice. Chinese Journal of Physiology 54:30-5, 2011.
  • Fujisawa Y, Nagai Y, Lei B, Nakano D, Fukui T, Hitomi H, Mori H, Masaki T, Nishiyama A.: Roles of central renin-angiotensin system and afferent renal nerve in the control of systemic hemodynamics in rats. Hypertension Research 34:1228-32, 2011.
  • Rafiq K, Hitomi H, Nakano D, Ichihara A, Nishiyama A.: Possible involvement of the (pro)renin receptor-dependent system in the development of insulin resistance. Frontiers of Bioscience 3:1478-85, 2011.
  • Nakano D, Diah S, Kitada K, Hitomi H, Mori H, Masaki T, Kobori H, Nishiyama A.: Short-term calorie restriction in early life attenuates the development of proteinuria but not glucose intolerance in type 2 diabetic OLETF rats. ISRN Endocrinology 2011:768637, 2011.
  • Konishi Y, Nishiyama A, Morikawa T, Kitabayashi C, Shibata M, Hamada M, Kishida M, Hitomi H, Kiyomoto H, Miyashita T, Mori M, Urushihara M, Kobori H, Imanishi M.: Relationship between urinary angiotensinogen and salt sensitivity of blood pressure in patients with IgA nephropathy. Hypertension 58:205-11, 2011.
  • Nishiyama A, Konishi Y, Ohashi N, Morikawa T, Urushihara M, Maeda I, Hamada M, Kishida M, Hitomi H, Shirahashi N, Kobori H, Imanishi M.: Urinary angiotensinogen reflects the activity of intrarenal renin-angiotensin system in patients with IgA nephropathy. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 26:170-7, 2011.
  • Rafiq K, Hitomi H, Nakano D, Nishiyama A.: Pathophysiological roles of aldosterone and mineralocorticoid receptor in the kidney. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 115:1-7, 2011.
  • 北田研人, 中野大介, 人見浩史, 西山成,: アンジオテンシンII受容体拮抗薬. 薬局, 62:51-5, 2011.
  • 人見浩史, 劉鋼, 中野大介, 西山成,: (プロ)レニン受容体を介した細胞内情報伝達系. 血管, 34:69-73, 2011.


  • Liu G, Miyata K, Hitomi H, Yao L, Sun GP, Suzaki Y, Hosomi N, Kiyomoto H, Nakano D, Tamaki T, Yoshizumi M, Nishiyama A.: Involvement of mineralocorticoid receptor in high glucose–induced BMK1 activation and mesangial cell proliferation. Journal of Hypertension 28:536-42, 2010.
  • Liu G, Hitomi H, Hosomi N, Lei B, Pelisch N, Nakano D, Kiyomoto K, Ma H, Nishiyama A.: Mechanical stretch potentiates angiotensin II-induced proliferation in spontaneously hypertensive rat vascular smooth muscle cells. Hypertension Research 33:1250-7, 2010.
  • Nishiyama A, Kobori H, Konishi Y, Morikawa T, Maeda I, Okumura M, Kishida M, Hamada M, Nagai Y, Nakagawa T, Ohashi N, Nakano D, Hitomi H, Imanishi M.: Mineralocorticoid receptor blockade enhances the anti-proteinuric effect of an angiotensin II blocker through inhibiting podocyte injury in type 2 diabetic rats. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapietics 332:1072-80, 2010.
  • Pelisch N, Hosomi N, Ueno M, Masugata H, Murao K, Hitomi H, Nakano D, Kobori H, Nishiyama A, Kohno M.: Systemic candesartan reduces brain angiotensin II via downregulation of brain renin-angiotensin system. Hypertension Research 33:161-4, 2010.
  • Fan YY, Kohno M, Nakano D, Ohsaki H, Kobori H, Suwarni D, Ohashi N, Hitomi H, Asanuma K, Noma T, Tomino Y, Fujita T, Nishiyama A.: Cilnidipine suppresses podocyte injury and proteinuria in metabolic syndrome rats: possible involvement of N-type calcium channel in podocyte. Journal of Hypertension 28:1034-43, 2010.
  • Ihara G, Kiyomoto H, Kobori H, Nakai Y, Ohashi N, Hitomi H, Nakano D, Pelisch N, Hara T, Mori T, Ito S, Kohno M, Nishiyama A.: Regression of superficial glomerular podocyte injury in type 2 diabetic rats with overt albuminuria: effect of angiotensin II blockade. Journal of Hypertension 28:2289-98, 2010.
  • Hitomi H, Liu G, Nishiyama A.: Role of (pro)renin receptor in cardiovascular cells from the aspect of signaling. Frontiers of Bioscience 2:1246-9, 2010.
  • Nishiyama A, Hitomi H.: Role of caveolin and heat shock protein 70 interaction in the antioxidative effects of an angiotensin II type 1 receptor blocker in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Journal of Hypertensions 28:9-12, 2010.
  • Mori T, Hitomi H, Nakamichi T, Miyata T, Sato H, Ito S.: A novel clinical biomarker for MPO-ANCA associated glomerulonephritis. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 37:877-8, 2010.
  • Nishiyama A, Hasegawa K, Diah S, Hitomi H.: New approaches to blockade of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system: Mineralocorticoid receptor blockers exert antihypertensive and renoprotective effects independently of the renin-angiotensin system. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 113:310-4, 2010.
  • 西山成, 中野大介, 人見浩史,: カルシウム拮抗薬の抗酸化作用. Clinical Calcium, 20:38-44, 2010.
  • 西山成, 中野大介, 人見浩史,: 腎とレニン・アンジオテンシン・アルドステロン系/高血圧. Pharma Medica, 28:29-33, 2010.
  • 西山成, 中野大介, 人見浩史,: RAASとたんぱく尿. 腎臓, 32:190-5, 2010.
  • 西山成, 人見浩史, 今西政仁, 小堀浩幸,: 慢性腎疾患患者における腎臓局所レニン・アンジオテンシン系の評価. 臨床薬理の進歩, 31:33-9, 2010.
  • 原大雅, 清元秀泰, 森脇久美子, 西岡聡, 西島陽子, 祖父江理, 海部久美子, 人見浩史, 西山成, 河野雅和,: 腎不全合併末梢循環不全におけるLDLアフェレシスの有効性と白血球NAD(P)H oxidaseの関与. 腎とフリーラジカル, 10:169-75, 2010.
  • 中野大介, 人見浩史, 西山成,: アルドステロンブロッカーの腎保護作用研究の最先端. 血圧, 17:512-4, 2010.


  • Fan Y, Kohno M, Nakano D, Hitomi H, Nagai Y, Fujisawa Y, Lu XM, Fu K, Du J, Ohmori K, Hosomi N, Kimura S, Kiyomoto H, Nishiyama.: Inhibitory effects of a dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker on renal injury in aldosterone-infused rats. Journal of Hypertension 27:1855-62, 2009.
  • Du J, Fan YY, Hitomi H, Kiyomoto H, Kimura S, Kong CZ, Noma T, Kohno M, Nishiyama A, Nakano D.: Mineralocorticoid receptor blockade and calcium channel blockade have different renoprotective effects on glomerular and interstitial injury in rats. American Journal of Physiology and Renal Physiology 297:F802-8, 2009.
  • Kaifu K, Kiyomoto H, Hitomi H, Matsubara K, Hara T, Moriwaki K, Ihara G, Fujita Y, Sugasawa N, Nagata D, Nishiyama A, Kohno M.: Insulin attenuates apoptosis induced by high glucose via the PI3-kinase/Akt pathway in rat peritoneal mesothelial cells. Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 24:809-815, 2009.
  • Nagai Y, Ichihara A, Nakano D, Kimura S, Pelisch N, Fujisawa Y, Hitomi H, Hosomi N, Kiyomoto H, Kohno M, Ito H, Nishiyama A.: Possible contribution of the non-proteolytic activation of prorenin to the development of insulin resistance in fructose-fed rats. Experimental physiology 94:1016-23, 2009.
  • Fan YY, Nishiyama A, Fujisawa Y, Kobori H, Nakano D, Matsuura J, Hase N, Hitomi H, Kiyomoto H, Urata H, Kohno M.: Contribution of chymase-dependent angiotensin II formation to the progression of tubulointerstitial fibrosis in obstructed kidneys in hamsters. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 111:82-90, 2009.
  • Hara T, Kiyomoto H, Hitomi H, Moriwaki K, Ihara G, Kaifu K, Fujita Y, Higashiyama C, Nishiyama A, Kohno M.: Low-density lipoprotein apheresis for haemodialysis patients with peripheral arterial disease reduces reactive oxygen species production via suppression of NADPH oxidase gene expression in leucocytes. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 24:3818-25, 2009.
  • Nishiyama A, Hitomi H, Rahman A, Kiyomoto H.: Drug discovery for overcoming chronic kidney disease (CKD): pharmacological effects of mineralocorticoid-receptor blockers. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 109:1-6, 2009.
  • 人見浩史, 西山成,: 抗アルドステロン薬の臓器保護効果. 医学のあゆみ, 228:567-72, 2009.
  • 人見浩史,: アルドステロンによる腎細胞障害メカニズム. 臨床薬理, 40:47-8, 2009.
  • 西山成, 中野大介, 人見浩史,: 血管作動性物質-生合成、分泌、生理作用-アルドステロン. 日本臨床, 67:188-93, 2009.
  • 中野大介, 人見浩史, 西山成,: 尿細管老化にRAASは関与するか. Angiotensin Research, 6:257-62, 2009.


  • Diah S, Zhang GX, Nagai Y, Zhang W, Gang L, Kimura S, Hamid MR, Tamiya T, Nishiyama A, Hitomi H.: Aldosterone induces myofibroblastic transdifferentiation and collagen gene expression through Rho-kinase dependent signaling pathway in rat mesangial cells. Experimental Cell Research 314:3654-62, 2008.
  • Miyata K, Hitomi H, Guo P, Zhang GX, Kimura S, Kiyomoto H, Hosomi N, Kagami S, Kohno M, Nishiyama A.: Possible involvement of Rho-kinase in aldosterone-induced vascular remodeling. Hypertension Research 31:1407-13, 2008.
  • 人見浩史, 西山成,: アルドステロンと臓器障害. 細胞, 40:314-7, 2008.
  • 西山成, 人見浩史, 清元秀泰,: ミネラロコルチコイド受容体拮抗薬. 日本薬理学学会誌, 132:244-6, 2008.
  • 人見浩史,小堀浩幸,西山成,: アンジオテンシノゲン. 腎と透析, 65:523-6, 2008.


  • Hitomi H, Kiyomoto H, Nishiyama A, Hara T, Moriwaki K, Kaifu K, Ihara G, Fujita Y, Ugawa T, Kohno M.: Aldosterone suppresses insulin signaling via the downregulation of insulin receptor substrate-1 in vascular smooth muscle cells. Hypertension 50:750-5, 2007.
  • Hitomi H, Kiyomoto H, Nishiyama A.: Angiotensin II and oxidative stress. Current Opinion in Cardiology 22:311-5, 2007.
  • Kiyomoto H, Hitomi H.: The Earlier, the Better. Hypertension Research 30:1-2, 2007.
  • 西山成. 人見浩史, 河野雅和,: アルドステロンと臓器シグナル. 医学のあゆみ, 221:698-702, 2007.
  • 西山成, 人見浩史, 清元秀泰,: アルドステロン研究の理解に必要な基礎知識(基礎編). 医学のあゆみ, 221:805-8, 2007.
  • 西山成, 人見浩史, 河野雅和,: これだけは知っておきたい分子腎臓学 2007. Aldosterone (renal injury). 腎と透析, 63:589-92, 2007.


  • Kondo N, Kiyomoto H, Yamamoto T, Miyatake A, Sun GP, Rahman M, Hitomi H, Moriwaki K, Hara T, Kimura S, Abe Y, Kohno M, Nishiyama A.: Effects of calcium channel blockade on angiotensin II-induced peritubular ischemia in rats. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimenta Therapeutics 316:1047-52, 2006.
  • Hitomi H, Fukui T, Moriwaki K, Matsubara K, Sun GP, Rahman M, Nishiyama A, Kiyomoto H, Kimura S, Ohmori K, Abe Y, Kohno M.: Synergistic effect of mechanical stretch and angiotensin II on superoxide production via NADPH oxidase in vascular smooth muscle cells. Journal of Hypertension 24:1097-104, 2006.
  • Moriwaki K, Kiyomoto H, Hitomi H, Ihara G, Kaifu K, Matsubara K, Hara T, Kondo N, Ohmori K, Nishiyama A, Fukui T, Kohno M.: Interferon-γ enhances superoxide production in human mesangial cells via the JAK-STAT pathway. Kidney International 70:788-93, 2006.
  • Jay D, Hitomi H, Griendling KK.: Oxidative stress and diabetic cardiovascular complications. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 40:183-92, 2006.
  • 人見浩史, 清元秀泰, 河野雅和、西山成,: アルドステロン依存性腎障害における酸化ストレス、MAPキナーゼ、Rhoキナーゼの役割. 内分泌・糖尿病科, 23:575-80, 2006.


  • Taniyama Y, Hitomi H, Shah A, Alexander RW, Griendling KK.: Mechanisms of reactive oxygen species-dependent downregulation of insulin receptor substrate-1 by angiotensin II. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 25:1142-7, 2005.
  • 東山智香子、清元秀泰、森脇久美子, 原大雅, 松原啓介, 人見浩史, 松向寺孝臣, 近藤直樹, 松本恵子, 横山るみ子, 河野雅和,: 慢性腎不全に非代償性肝硬変症を合併した難治性腹水に対する腹水濾過還元on-line血液透析療法の有用性の検討. 日本アフェレシス学会雑誌, 24:204-10, 2005.
  • 人見浩史, 清元秀泰,: 腎機能検査と体液管理の実践. -腎疾患と水・電解質異常- 医薬ジャーナル, 41:2752-6, 2005.


  • Taniyama Y, Ushio-Fukai M, Hitomi H, Rocic P, Kingsley MJ, Pfahnl C, Weber DS, Alexander RW, Griendling KK.: Role of p38 MAPK and MAPKAPK-2 in angiotensin II-induced Akt activation in vascular smooth muscle cells. American Journal of Physiology and Cell Physiology 287:C494-9, 2004.
  • Matsubara K, Kiyomoto H, Moriwaki K, Hara T, Kondo N, Shokoji T, Hitomi H, Aki Y, Aono M, Nishiyama A, Ohmori K, Kohno M.: Leptin kinetics during peritoneal dialysis in acutely uraemic rats. Nephrology 9:256-61, 2004.
  • Nishiyama A, Yoshizumi M, Rahman M, Kobori H, Seth DM, Miyatake A, Zhang GX, Yao L, Hitomi H, Shokoji T, Kiyomoto H, Kimura S, Tamaki T, Kohno M, Abe Y.: Effects of AT1 receptor blockade on renal injury and mitogen-activated protein activity in Dahl salt-sensitive rats. Kidney International 65:972-81, 2004.
  • Nishiyama A, Yoshizumi M, Hitomi H, Kagami S, Kondo S, Miyatake A, Fukunaga M, Tamaki T, Kiyomoto H, Kohno M, Shokoji T, Kimura S, Abe Y.: The SOD mimetic tempol ameliorates glomerular injury and reduces mitogen-activated protein kinase activity in Dahl salt-sensitive rats. Journal of American Society of Nephrology 15:306-15, 2004.
  • Rahman M, Kimura S, Nishiyama A, Hitomi H, Zhang G, Abe Y.: Angiotensin II stimulates superoxide production via both angiotensin AT1A and AT1B receptors in mouse aorta and heart. European Journal of Pharmacology 485:243-9, 2004.


  • Nishiyama A, Kobori H, Fukui T, Zhang GX, Yao L, Rahman M, Hitomi H, Kiyomoto H, Shokoji T, Kimura S, Kohno M, Abe Y.: Role of angiotensin II and reactive oxygen species in cyclosporine A-dependent hypertension. Hypertension 42:754-60, 2003.
  • Shokoji T, Nishiyama A, Fujisawa Y, Hitomi H, Kiyomoto H, Takahashi N, Kimura S, Kohno M, Abe Y.: Renal sympathetic nerve responses to tempol in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Hypertension 41:266-73, 2003.
  • Takahashi N, Yuasa S, Fukunaga M, Hara T, Moriwaki K, Shokoji T, Hitomi H, Fujioka H, Kiyomoto H, Aki Y, Hirohata M, Mizushige K, Kohno M.: Long-term evaluation of nutritional status using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in chronic hemodialysis patients. Clinical Nephrology 59:373-8, 2003.


  • 高橋則尋, 福永恵, 森脇久美子, 原大雅, 松向寺孝臣, 細谷陽子, 人見浩史, 藤岡宏, 安岐康晴, 清元秀泰, 石津勉, 秋山賢次, 広畑衛, 河野雅和,: 維持透析患者におけるビタミンE固定化ダイアライザーを用いた酸化ストレス軽減作用に関する検討. 日本透析医会雑誌, 17:273-6, 2002.
  • Hosotani Y, Takahashi N, Kiyomoto H, Ohmori K, Hitomi H, Fujioka H, Aki Y, Fukunaga M, Yuasa S, Mizushige K, Kohno M.: A new method for evaluation of split renal cortical blood flow with contrast echography. Hypertenstion Research 25:77-83, 2002.


  • 高橋則尋, 原大雅, 森脇久美子, 松向寺孝臣, 細谷陽子, 人見浩史, 藤岡宏, 清元秀泰, 安岐康晴, 大森浩二, 福永惠, 湯浅繁一, 河野雅和,: 維持透析患者における後天性腎嚢胞に対する超音波造影法の診断能に関する検討. 日本透析医会雑誌, 16:196-9, 2001.


  • Yuasa S, Li X, Hitomi H, Hashimoto M, Fujioka H, Kiyomoto H, Uchida K, Shoji T, Takahashi N, Miki S, Miyatake A, Mizushige K, Matsuo H.: Sodium sensitivity and sympathetic nervous system in hypertension induced by long-term nitric oxide blockade in rats. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 27:18-24, 2000.
  • Hitomi H, Kiyomoto H, Hashimoto M, Aki Y, Uchida K, Takahashi N, Fukunaga M, Mizushige K, Senda S, Sakamoto H, Matsuo H, Yuasa S:. A new approach for glomerular lesions: evaluation of scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM) for experimental glomerular disease in rats. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 26:571-57, 2000.
  • 福永惠, 高橋則尋, 森脇久美子, 原大雅, 松向寺孝臣, 細谷陽子, 人見浩史, 藤岡宏, 清元秀泰, 石津勉, 秋山賢次, 広畑衛, 河野雅和,: 維持透析患者における酸化LDL分画を用いた酸化ストレスの検討-ダイアライザ-による比較-. 日本透析医会雑誌, 15:419-24, 2000.
  • 人見浩史, 清元秀泰, 内田光一, 高橋則尋, 福永惠, 湯浅繁一,: 薬剤性浮腫. 医学と薬学, 43:945-9, 2000.


  • Takahashi N, Shoji T, Matsubara K, Hitomi H, Hashimoto M, Kiyomoto H, Uchida K, Miki S, Hirohata M, Ishizu T, Akiyama K, Mizushige K, Matsuo H, Yuasa S.: Effect of histamine H2-receptor antagonist on the phosphorus-binding abilities of calcium carbonate and calcium lactate in hemodialysis patients. The Journal of American Society of Nephology 10:1090-1094, 1999.
  • Kiyomoto H, Hitomi H, Hosotani Y, Hashimoto M, Uchida K, Kurokouchi K, Nagai M, Takahashi N, Fukunaga M, Mizushige K, Matsuo H, Yuasa S.: The effect of combination therapy with interferon and cryofiltration on mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis originating from mixed cryoglobulinemia in chronic hepatitis C virus infection. Therapeutic Apheresis 3:329-333, 1999.
  • 湯淺繁一, 高橋則尋, 内田光一, 清元秀泰, 橋本真由子, 人見浩史, 福永恵,: 随時尿の蛋白/クレアチニン比を用いた蛋白尿の定量的評価. 香川県立医療短期大学紀要, 1:19-24, 1999.


  • Yuasa S, Takahashi N, Shoji T, Uchida K, Kiyomoto H, Hashimoto M, Fujioka H, Hitomi H, Matsuo H.: A simple and early prognostic index for acute renal failure patients requiring renal replacement therapy. Artificial Organs 22:273-278, 1998.
  • 高橋則尋, 松原啓介, 人見浩史, 橋本真由子, 清元秀泰, 内田光一, 松尾裕英, 湯浅繁一, 黒瀬高明, 半藤保,: 血液透析を併用したシスプラチン大量動注療法における腎毒性の軽減効果に関する検討. 日本アフェレシス学会雑誌, 17, 32, 1998.
  • 湯浅繁一, 高橋則尋, 清元秀泰, 人見浩史,: アンジオテンシン・受容体拮抗薬. 医薬ジャーナル, 34:2185-90, 1998.
  • 清元秀泰, 人見浩史, 湯浅繁一,: 尿比重. 綜合臨牀, 47:1253-5,1998.


  • 高橋則尋, 湯浅繁一, 人見浩史, 橋本真由子, 清元秀泰, 内田光一, 広畑衛, 石津勉, 松尾裕英,: 身体学的計測および二重エネルギーX線吸収法による維持透析患者の栄養学的指標に関する検討. 日本透析医学会誌, 30:873-7, 1997.
  • 李秀萍, 湯浅繁一, 人見浩史, 橋本真由子, 藤岡宏, 清元秀泰, 内田光一, 小路哲生, 高橋則尋, 松尾裕英,: Nitric oxide (NO) 合成慢性阻害時の血圧上昇機序に関する検討. 日本腎臓学会誌, 39:718-27, 1997.


  • 高橋則尋, 湯淺繁一, 人見浩史, 橋本真由子, 清元秀泰, 内田光一, 小路哲生, 広畑衛, 松尾裕英,: 維持透析患者におけるリン吸着剤に及ぼすヒスタミンH2受容体遮断剤の影響に関する検討. 日本腎臓学会誌, 38:610-7, 1996.

イノベーション再生医学 服部グループ主要業績


  • Hattori F, Nishiyama J, Hasuo H.: Correlation of interferons and autoimmune aspects in long COVID-19 patients. International Immunology 2025; (in press)[Link]
  • Okumura H, Hayashi M, Yamashita H, Hattori F.: Establishment and characterization of an induced pluripotent stem cell line from a Japanese cystic fibrosis patient with homozygous 1540del10 CFTR mutation. Genes & Diseases 2025; (in press)[Link]


  • Inomata Y, Kawatani N, Yamashita H, Hattori F.: Lgr6-expressing functional nail stem-like cells differentiated from human-induced pluripotent stem cells. PLOS ONE 2024;19(5) e0303260. [Link] プレスリリース日本経済新聞および産経新聞、他9紙に掲載されました。
  • Bando K, Yamashita H, Hattori F.: An Automated Culture System for Maintaining and Differentiating Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. J. Vis. Exp. 2024;Jan 26:(202). [Link]


  • Yamashita H, Hattori F.: Application of Live Mitochondria Staining in Cell-Sorting to Purify Hepatocytes Derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. J. Vis. Exp. 2023;Dec 1:(202). [Link]
  • Hanafusa Y, Shiraishi A, Hattori F.: Machine learning discriminates P2X7-mediated intracellular calcium sparks in human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural stem cells. Sci Rep 2023;13:12673. [Link]
    プレスリリース、 日経バイオテクでの紹介はこちら
  • Hattori F.: A Novel Cell Injection Method with Minimum Invasion. J. Vis. Exp. 2023;Apr 21:(194). [Link]


  • Nishimoto R, Kodama C, Yamashita H, Hattori F.: Human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived keratinocyte-like cells for research on protease-activated receptor 2 in non-histaminergic cascades of atopic dermatitis. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 2022;384:248-253. [Link]
    Viewpoint articleとして取り上げられました。Viewpoint Awardを受賞
  • Bando K, Yamashita H, Tsumori M, Minoura H, Okumura K, Hattori F.: Compact automated culture machine for human induced pluripotent stem cell maintenance and differentiation. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 2022;10:1074990.[Link]
  • Ito A, Okada T, Minato N, Hattori F.: Possible internal viral shedding and interferon production after clinical recovery from COVID-19: Case report. Frontiers of medicine 2022;9:959196.[Link]


  • 総説:山下裕美, 服部文幸.: ミトコンドリア量とALCAMの組み合わせによるヒト多能性幹細胞由来肝細胞の精製法. 月刊 細胞 2021;53(11):58.[Link]


  • Higashikuse Y, Mittal N, Arimura T, Yoon SH, Oda M, Enomoto H, Kaneda R, Hattori F, Suzuki T, Kawakami A, Gasch A, Furukawa T, Labeit S, Fukuda K, Kimura A, Makino S.: Perturbation of the titin/MURF1 signaling complex is associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in a fish model and in human patients.Dis Model Mech 2019;12(11):dmm041103.[Link]
  • Yamashita H, Fukuda K, Hattori F. Hepatocyte-like cells derived from human pluripotent stem cells can be enriched by combination of mitochondrial content and activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule.JMA Journal, 2019: 2(2); 174-183 [Link].


  • Park SH, Uzawa T, Hattori F, Ogino S, Morimoto N, Tsuneda S, Ito Y. "All-in-one" in vitro selection of collagen-binding vascular endothelial growth factor.Biomaterials 2018 Apr;161:270-278.[Link]


  • Hashimoto H, Yuasa S, Tabata H, Tohyama S, Seki T, Egashira T, Hayashiji N, Hattori F, Kusumoto D, Kunitomi A, Takei M, Kashimura S, Yozu G, Shimojima M, Motoda C, Muraoka N, Nakajima K, Sakaue-Sawano A, Miyawaki A, Fukuda K. Analysis of cardiomyocyte movement in the developing murine heart. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2015 Sep 4;464(4):1000-7.[Link]
  • Fumiyuki Hattori. Cardiomyocyte-Balls, Its application to the effective engraftment. 最新医学 2015 Vol.70, No8, pp71-75
  • 服部文幸 最新医学 2015年8月号 心筋再生の現状と展望p71~78 題:心筋細胞塊による効率的移植方法「ボール法」の確立と展望


  • Hemmi N, Tohyama S, Nakajima K, Kanazawa H, Suzuki T, Hattori F, Seki T, Kishino Y, Hirano A, Okada M, Tabei R, Ohno R, Fujita C, Haruna T, Yuasa S, Sano M, Fujita J, Fukuda K. A massive suspension culture system with metabolic purification for human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Stem Cells Translational Medicine 2014 Dec;3(12):1473-83.
  • Hashimoto H, Yuasa S, Tabata H, Tohyama S, Hayashiji N, Hattori F, Muraoka N, Egashira T, Okata S, Yae K, Seki T, Nishiyama T, Nakajima K, Sakaue-Sawano A, Miyawaki A, Fukuda K. Time-lapse imaging of cell cycle dynamics during development in living cardiomyocyte. Journal of Molecular Cell Cardiology 2014 Jul;72:241-9.
  • Fumiyuki Hattori. Technology platforms for heart regenerative therapy using pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Volume 7, pp 33-45 ISBN 978-94-007-4284-0


  • Ohno Y, Yuasa S, Egashira T, Seki T, Hashimoto H, Tohyama S, Saito Y, Kunitomi A, Shimoji K, Onizuka T, Kageyama T, Yae K, Tanaka T, Kaneda R, Hattori F, Murata M, Kimura K, Fukuda K. Distinct iPS Cells Show Different Cardiac Differentiation Efficiency. Stem Cells International 2013;2013:659739.
  • Tohyama S, Hattori F, Sano M, Hishiki T, Nagahata Y, Matsuura T, Hashimoto H, Suzuki T, Yamashita H, Satoh Y, Egashira T, Seki T, Muraoka N, Yamakawa H, Ohgino Y, Tanaka T, Yoichi M, Yuasa S, Murata M, Suematsu M, Fukuda K. Distinct metabolic flow enables large-scale purification of mouse and human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Cell Stem Cell 2013 Jan 3;12(1):127-37 [Link].
  • Fumiyuki Hattori. How to Purify Cardiomyocytes for Research and Therapeutic Purposes. Cardiac Regeneration using Stem Cells, CRC Press 2013, Chapter 8, Pages 132–152, ISBN: 978-1-4665-7839-5
  • Fumiyuki Hattori. Recent trend of adjustment technology concerning cell culture and purification. Development of implantable medical materials in the body 2013 Chapter 4


  • Egashira T, Yuasa S, Suzuki T, Aizawa Y, Yamakawa H, Matsuhashi T, Ohno Y, Tohyama S, Okata S, Seki T, Kuroda Y, Yae K, Hashimoto H, Tanaka T, Hattori F, Sato T, Miyoshi S, Takatsuki S, Murata M, Kurokawa J, Furukawa T, Makita N, Aiba T, Shimizu W, Horie M, Kamiya K, Kodama I, Ogawa S, Fukuda K. Disease characterization using LQTS-specific induced pluripotent stem cells. Cardiovascular Research 2012 Sep 1;95(4):419-29.
  • Hattori F. Review: Extracellular cyclophilin A as a humoral factor modulating cardiovascular inflammatory responses. Journal of Molecular Cell Cardiology 2012 Jul;53(1):1-2.
  • Hattori F, Fukuda K. Review: Strategies for replacing myocytes with induced pluripotent stem in clinical protocols. Transplantation Reviews (Orlando). 2012 Jul;26(3):223-32.
  • Fumiyuki Hattori and Hiromi Yamashita. Regenerative medicine, perspective of medical application of stem cells, points of study for research cases and commercialization. Needs • Technology trend • Development know-how in Bio-genome related drug development Chapter 4


  • Tajima H, Imada K, Sakuma M, Hattori F, Nara T, Kamo N, Homma M, Kawagishi I. Ligand specificity determined by differentially arranged common ligand-binding residues in bacterial amino acid chemoreceptors Tsr and Tar. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2011 Dec 9;286(49):42200-10.
  • Li W, Yamashita H, Hattori F, Chen H, Tohyama S, Satoh Y, Sasaki E, Yuasa S, Makino S, Sano M, Fukuda K. Simple autogeneic feeder cell preparation for pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Research 2011 Jan;6(1):83-9.
  • Yamashita H, Li W, Hattori F, Chen H, Tohyama S, Satoh Y, Sasaki E, Yuasa S, Makino S, Sano M, Fukuda K.: Simple autogeneic feeder cell preparation for pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Research, 2011: 6(1); 83-89 [Link]
  • Hara M, Yuasa S, Shimoji K, Onizuka T, Hayashiji N, Ohno Y, Arai T, Hattori F, Kaneda R, Kimura K, Makino S, Sano M, Fukuda K. G-CSF influences mouse skeletal muscle development and regeneration by stimulating myoblast proliferation. Journal of Experimental Medicine 2011 Apr 11;208(4):715-27.
  • 服部文幸 再生医療学会誌 2011年5月号 題:ミトコンドリア特異的蛍光色素を用いた、ES及びiPS細胞由来心筋細胞の新規精製方法及び効果的移植方法


  • Hattori F. Review: CD117, adult cardiac stem cell marker, is transiently expressed in methothelial epicardial cells. Journal of Molecular Cell Cardiology 2010 Nov;49(5):711-2.
  • Yuasa S, Onizuka T, Shimoji K, Ohno Y, Kageyama T, Yoon SH, Egashira T, Seki T, Hashimoto H, Nishiyama T, Kaneda R, Murata M, Hattori F, Makino S, Sano M, Ogawa S, Prall OW, Harvey RP, Fukuda K. Zac1 is an essential transcription factor for cardiac morphogenesis. Circulation Research 2010 Apr 2;106(6):1083-91
  • Hattori F, Fukuda K. Review: Strategies for ensuring that regenerative cardiomyocytes function properly and in cooperation with the host myocardium. Experimental Molecular Medicine. 2010 Mar 31;42(3):155-65.
  • Shimoji K, Yuasa S, Onizuka T, Hattori F, Tanaka T, Hara M, Ohno Y, Chen H, Egasgira T, Seki T, Yae K, Koshimizu U, Ogawa S, Fukuda K. G-CSF promotes the proliferation of developing cardiomyocytes in vivo and in derivation from ESCs and iPSCs. Cell Stem Cell 2010 Mar 5;6(3):227-37.
  • Hattori F, Chen H, Yamashita H, Tohyama S, Satoh YS, Yuasa S, Li W, Yamakawa H, Tanaka T, Onitsuka T, Shimoji K, Ohno Y, Egashira T, Kaneda R, Murata M, Hidaka K, Morisaki T, Sasaki E, Suzuki T, Sano M, Makino S, Oikawa S, Fukuda K. Nongenetic method for purifying stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Nature Methods 2010 Jan;7(1):61-6 [Link].
  • 服部文幸 再生医療学会誌 2010年8月号 題:iPS/ES 細胞由来心筋細胞の大量調製、純化に向けた取り組みと課題


  • Endo J, Sano M, Katayama T, Hishiki T, Shinmura K, Morizane S, Matsuhashi T, Katsumata Y, Zhang Y, Ito H, Nagahata Y, Marchitti S, Nishimaki K, Wolf AM, Nakanishi H, Hattori F, Vasiliou V, Adachi T, Ohsawa I, Taguchi R, Hirabayashi Y, Ohta S, Suematsu M, Ogawa S, Fukuda K.Metabolic remodeling induced by mitochondrial aldehyde stress stimulates tolerance to oxidative stress in the heart. Circulation Research 2009 Nov 20;105(11):1118-27.
  • Suzuki R, Hattori F, Itabashi Y, Yoshioka M, Yuasa S, Manabe-Kawaguchi H, Murata M, Makino S, Kokaji K, Yozu R, Fukuda K. Omentopexy enhances graft function in myocardial cell sheet transplantation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2009 Sep 18;387(2):353-9.
  • Tanaka T, Tohyama S, Murata M, Nomura F, Kaneko T, Chen H, Hattori F, Egashira T, Seki T, Ohno Y, Koshimizu U, Yuasa S, Ogawa S, Yamanaka S, Yasuda K, Fukuda K. In vitro pharmacologic testing using human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2009 Aug 7;385(4):497-502.


  • Chen H, Hattori F, Murata M, Li W, Yuasa S, Onizuka T, Shimoji K, Ohno Y,Sasaki E, Kimura K, Hakuno D, Sano M, Makino S, Ogawa S, Fukuda K. Common marmoset embryonic stem cell can differentiate into cardiomyocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2008 May 9;369(3):801-6.


  • Ieda M, Kanazawa H, Kimura K, Hattori F, Ieda Y, Taniguchi M, Lee JK, Matsumura K, Tomita Y, Miyoshi S, Shimoda K, Makino S, Sano M, Kodama I, Ogawa S, Fukuda K. Sema3a maintains normal heart rhythm through sympathetic innervation patterning. Nature Medicine 2007 May;13(5):604-12.
  • Hattori F, Oikawa S. Peroxiredoxins in the central nervous system. Review: Subcellular Biochemistry 2007;44:357-74.


  • Nagaoka M, Koshimizu U, Yuasa S, Hattori F, Chen H, Tanaka T, Okabe M, Fukuda K, Akaike T. E-cadherin-coated plates maintain pluripotent ES cells without colony formation. PLoS One 2006 Dec 20;1:e15.
  • Matsushima S, Ide T, Yamato M, Matsusaka H, Hattori F, Ikeuchi M, Kubota T, Sunagawa K, Hasegawa Y, Kurihara T, Oikawa S, Kinugawa S, Tsutsui H. Overexpression of mitochondrial peroxiredoxin-3 prevents left ventricular remodeling and failure after myocardial infarction in mice. Circulation 2006 Apr 11;113(14):1779-86.


  • Yuasa S, Itabashi Y, Koshimizu U, Tanaka T, Sugimura K, Kinoshita M, Hattori F, Fukami S, Shimazaki T, Ogawa S, Okano H, Fukuda K. Transient inhibition of BMP signaling by Noggin induces cardiomyocyte differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. Nature Biotechnology. 2005 May;23(5):607-11.


  • Hattori F, Murayama N, Noshita T, Oikawa S. Mitochondrial peroxiredoxin-3 protects hippocampal neurons from excitotoxic injury in vivo. Journal of Neurochemistry 2003 Aug;86(4):860-8.


  • Kamei R, Kitagawa Y, Kadokura M, Hattori F, Hazeki O, Ebina Y, Nishihara T, Oikawa S. Shikonin stimulates glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes via an insulin-independent tyrosine kinase pathway. Biochemcal and Biophysical Research Communications 2002 Apr 5;292(3):642-51.
  • 関連特許

    • 肝実質細胞を検出又は選択する方法
    • 心房梗塞の判定方法
    • 電位感受性蛍光色素の蛍光強度測定方法
    • 多能性幹細胞及び心筋細胞以外の分化細胞に対する細胞死誘導方法
    • 心筋細胞の細胞塊作製方法及び当該心筋細胞塊の用途
    • 新規細胞培養方法、およびその方法を用いた細胞塊の生産および回収方法
    • 幹細胞及び胎児由来の心筋細胞及び予定心筋細胞の精製方法
    • 細胞内ミトコンドリアを指標とした心筋細胞の選択方法
    • AOP-1遺伝子又はAOP-1の発現減少を伴う疾患の治療方法及び当該疾患治療薬

    旧 幹細胞生物学講座 関連主要業績
    及び幹細胞再生医学 藤岡グループ主要業績


    • Okano M, Yasuda M, Shimomura Y, Matsuoka Y, Shirouzu Y, Fujioka T, Kyo M, Tsuji S, Kaneko K, Hitomi H.: Citrin-deficient patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells as a pathological liver model for congenital urea cycle disordersMol Genet Metab Rep 2024;40:101096.[Link]


    • Araki-Sasaki K, Kanagawa T, Matsuoka Y.: HCE-T cells express cornea-specific differentiation marker, PAX6 protein. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2022;260:4015-4017.[Link]


    • Sonoda Y.: Human CD34-negative hematopoietic stem cells:The current understanding of their biological nature. Experimental Hematology 2021;96:13.[Link]
    • Matsuoka Y, Nakatsuka R, Fujioka T.: Automatic Discrimination of Human Hematopoietic Tumor Cell Lines using a Combination of Imaging Flow Cytometry and Convolutional Neural Network. Human Cell 2021;34(3):1021.[Link]


    • 総説:松岡 由和.: イメージサイトメトリーと機械学習による明視野像を用いた細胞の自動判別. Cytometry Research, 2020;30(1):15.[Link]


    • 総説:角出 啓輔, 松岡 由和, 薗田 精昭.: ヒト臍帯血由来CD34抗原陰性造血幹細胞の1細胞解析から見えた新たなヒト造血幹細胞の階層制. 関西医科大学雑誌, 70;1-8 2019.[Link]
    • Tamaki H, Ikegame K, Yoshihara S, Kaida K, Yoshihara K, Inoue T, Kato R, Nakata J, Fujioka T, Soma T, Okada M and Ogawa H, Low incidence of HHV-6 reactivation in haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation with corticosteroid as graft-vs-host disease prophylaxis compared with cord blood transplantation, Transplant Infectious Disease:e13073, 2019.[Link]
    • Matsuoka Y, Sumide K, Sonoda Y. One-year Observation of the SCID-repopulating Cell Activities of Human Cord Blood-derived CD34-positive and -negative Hematopoietic Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, 15;459-461 2019.[Link]


    • 総説:松岡 由和、薗田 精昭。ヒト臍帯血由来造血幹細胞の陽性分子マーカーとしてのGPI-80抗原の有用性。Cytometry Research, 28 (2):13-17, 2018.[Link]
    • Preprint:Matsuoka Y, Nakatsuka R, Fujioka T. Automatic Single-Cell Discrimination by Cellular Appearance using Convolutional Neural Network. bioRxiv, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/446823
    • Matsuoka Y, Nakamura F, Hatanaka K, Fujioka T, Otani S, Kimura T, Fujimura Y, Asano H and Sonoda Y, The number of CD34+CD133+ hematopoietic stem cell residing in umbilical cord blood (UCB) units is not correlated with the number of total nucreated cells and CD34+ cells: A possible new indicator for quality evaluation of UCB units., International Journal of Hematology, DOI: 10.1007/s12185-018-2502-7 ,2018.[Link]
    • Sumide K, Matsuoka Y, Kawamura H, Nakatsuka R, Fujioka T, Asano H, Takihara Y, Sonoda Y: A Revised Road Map for the Comittment of Human Cord Blood CD34-negative Hematopoietic Stem Cells. Nature Communications 9(1):2202,2018.[Link]
    • Kawamura H, Nakatsuka R, Matsuoka Y, Sumide K, Fujioka T, Asano H, Sonoda Y: TGF-β Signaling Accelerates Senescence of Human Bone-Derived CD271 and SSEA-4 Double-Positive Mesenchymal Stromal Cells. Stem Cell Reports 10(3):920-32, 2018.[Link]


    • Matsuoka Y, Takahashi M, Sumide K, Kawamura H, Nakatsuka R, Fujioka T, Sonoda Y: CD34 Antigen and the MPL Receptor Expression Defines A Novel Class Of Human Cord Blood-Derived Primitive Hematopoietic Stem Cells. Cell Transplantation 26(6):1043-1058,2017. [Link]
    • Sonoda Y: Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells: The Current Understanding and Future Prospects. Journal of Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation 6(2):70-83, 2017.[Link]


    • Matsuoka Y, Sumide K, Kawamura H, Nakatsuka R, Fujioka T, Sonoda Y: GPI-80 expression highly purifies human cord blood-derived primitive CD34-negative hematopoietic stem cells. Blood 128(18):2258-2260, 2016.[Link]
    • Nakatsuka R, Iwaki R, Matsuoka Y, Sumide K, Kawamura H, Fujioka T, Sasaki Y, Uemura Y, Asano H, Kwon A-Hon, Sonoda Y: Identification and Characterization of Lineage-CD45-Sca-1+ VSEL Phenotypic Cells Residing in Adult Mouse Bone Tissue. Stem Cells and Development 25(1):27-42,2016.[Link]


    • Zhang R, Liu T-Y, Senju S, Haruta M, Hirosawa N, Suzuki M, Tatsumi M, Ueda N, Maki H, Nakatsuka R, Matsuoka Y, Sasaki Y, Tsuzuki S, Nakanishi H, Araki R, Abe M, Akatsuka Y, Sakamoto Y, Sonoda Y, Nishimura Y, Kuzushima K, Uemura Y: Generation of mouse pluripotent stem cell-derived proliferating myeloid cells as an unlimited source of functional antigen-presenting cells. Cancer Immunological Research, 3(6):668-677, 2015.[Link]
    • Matsuoka Y, Nakatsuka R, Sumide K, Kawamura H, Takahashi M, Fujioka T, Uemura Y, Asano H, Sasaki Y, Inoue M, Ogawa H, Takahashi T, Hino M, Sonoda Y: Prospectively isolated human bone marrow cell-derived MSCs support primitive human CD34-negative hematopoietic stem cells. Stem Cells 33:1554-1565, 2015.[Link]
    • Matsuoka Y, Sumide K, Kawamura H, Nakatsuka R, Fujioka T, Sasaki Y, Sonoda Y: Human cord blood-derived CD34-negative hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are myeloid-biased long-term repopulating HSCs. Blood Cancer Journal 5:e290;doi:10.1038/bcj. 2015.[Link]
    • Nakatsuka R, Matsuoka Y, Uemura Y, Sumide K, Iwaki R, Takahashi M, Fujioka T, Sasaki Y, Sonoda Y. Mouse dental pulp stem cells support human umbilical cord blood-derived hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells in vitro. Cell Transplantation 24:97-113, 2015.[Link]


    • Sonoda Y: Human CD34-negative hematopoietic stem cells. Book chapter in Ratajczak M, ed. “Adult Stem Cell Therapies : Alternatives to Plasticity”. Humana Press, Springer, Berlin pp.53-77, 2014.
    • Takahashi M, Matsuoka Y, Sumide K, Nakatsuka R, FujiokaT, Kohno H, Sasaki Y, Matsui K, Asano H, Kaneko K, Sonoda Y. CD133 is a Positive Marker for a Distinct Class of Primitive Human Cord Blood-derived CD34–negative Hematopoietic Stem Cells.Leukemia 28:1308-1315, 2014.[Link]


    • Ikegame K, Kato R, Fujioka T, Okada M, Kaida K, Ishii S, Yoshihara S, Inoue T, Taniguchi K, Tamaki H, Soma T and Ogawa H, Detection of donor-derived CMV-specific T cells in cerebrospinal fluid in a case of CMV meningoencephalitis after cord blood stem cell transplantation, International Journal of Hematology, 97(2):287-90, 2013
    • Fujioka T, Tamaki H, Ikegame K, Yoshihara S, Taniguchi K, Kaida K, Kato R, Inoue T, Nakata J, Ishii S, Soma T, Okada M and Ogawa H, Frequency of CD4(+)FOXP3(+) regulatory T-cells at early stages after HLA-mismatched allogeneic hematopoietic SCT predicts the incidence of acute GVHD, Bone Marrow Transplantation, 48(6):859-64, 2013


    • Yoshihara S, Maruya E, Taniguchi K, Kaida K, Kato R, Inoue T, Fujioka T, Tamaki H, Ikegame K, Okada M, Soma T, Hayashi K, Fujii N, Onuma T, Kusunoki Y, Saji H and Ogawa H, Risk and prevention of graft failure in patients with preexisting donor-specific HLA antibodies undergoing unmanipulated haploidentical SCT, Bone Marrow Transplantation, 47(4):508-15, 2012
    • Yoshihara S, Ikegame K, Taniguchi K, Kaida K, Kim E H, Nakata J, Kato R, Inoue T, Fujioka T, Tamaki H, Okada M, Soma T and Ogawa H, Salvage haploidentical transplantation for graft failure using reduced-intensity conditioning, Bone Marrow Transplantation, 47(3):369-73, 2012
    • Yoshihara S, Ikegame K, Kaida K, Taniguchi K, Kato R, Inoue T, Fujioka T, Tamaki H, Okada M, Soma T and Ogawa H, Incidence of extramedullary relapse after haploidentical SCT for advanced AML/myelodysplastic syndrome, Bone Marrow Transplantation, 47(5):669-76, 2012
    • Taniguchi K, Yoshihara S, Tamaki H, Fujimoto T, Ikegame K, Kaida K, Nakata J, Inoue T, Kato R, Fujioka T, Okada M, Soma T and Ogawa H, Incidence and treatment strategy for disseminated adenovirus disease after haploidentical stem cell transplantation, Annals of Hematology, 91(8):1305-12, 2012
    • Taniguchi K, Yoshihara S, Maruya E, Ikegame K, Kaida K, Hayashi K, Kato R, Inoue T, Fujioka T, Tamaki H, Okada M, Onuma T, Fujii N, Kusunoki Y, Soma T, Saji H and Ogawa H, Donor-derived HLA antibody production in patients undergoing SCT from HLA antibody-positive donors, Bone Marrow Transplant, 47(10):1338-42, 2012
    • Tamaki H, Fujioka T, Ikegame K, Yoshihara S, Kaida K, Taniguchi K, Kato R, Tokugawa T, Nakata J, Inoue T, Yano A, Eguchi R, Okada M, Maruya E, Saji H and Ogawa H, Different mechanisms causing loss of mismatched human leukocyte antigens in relapsing t(6;11)(q27;q23) acute myeloid leukemia after haploidentical transplantation, Europian Journal of Haematology, 89(6):497-500, 2012
    • Ikemoto J, Yoshihara S, Fujioka T, Ohtsuka Y, Fujita N, Kokubunji A, Okamoto N, Ono J, Taniguchi K, Kaida K, Ikegame K, Okada M, Tanizawa T, Ogawa H and Kai S, Impact of the mobilization regimen and the harvesting technique on the granulocyte yield in healthy donors for granulocyte transfusion therapy, Transfusion, 52(12):2646-52, 2012
    • Ikegame K, Kaida K, Yoshihara S, Fujiwara M, Taniguchi K, Kato R, Inoue T, Fujioka T, Tamaki H, Okada M, Soma T, Kamikonya N, Saji H, Hirota S and Ogawa H, Feasibility of unmanipulated haploidentical stem cell transplantation using standard GVHD prophylaxis for HLA-homozygous patients, International Journal of Hematology, 96(1):101-8, 2012


    • Ishii M, Matsuoka Y, Sasaki Y, Nakatsuka R, Takahashi M, Nakamoto T, Yasuda K, Matsui K, Asano H, Uemura Y, Tsuji T, Fukuhara S, Sonoda Y: Development of a high-resolution purification method for precise functional characterization of primitive human cord blood-derived CD34-negative SCID-repopulating cells. Exp Hematol 39:203-213, 2011.
    • Matsuoka Y, Sasaki Y, Nakatsuka R, Takahashi M, Iwaki R, Uemura Y, Sonoda Y: The low level of c-kit expression marks deeply quiescent murine hematopoietic stem cells. Stem Cells 29:1783-1791, 2011.
    • Kimura T, Kohno H, Matsuoka Y, Murakami M, Nakatsuka R, Hase H, Yasuda K, Uemura Y, Sasaki Y, Fukuhara S, Sonoda Y: CXCL8 enhances the angiogenic activity of umbilical cord blood-derived outgrowth endothelial cells in vitro. Cell Biol Int 35:201-208, 2011.
    • Kimura T, Kohno H, Matsuoka Y, Nakatsuka R, Sasaki Y, Fukuhara S, Sonoda Y: CD16 antigen is a positive marker of peripheral blood-derived early endothelial progenitor cells. Int J Hematol 93:123-125, 2011.
    • Ikegame K, Yoshihara S, Taniguchi Y, Kaida K, Inoue T, Okada M, Taniguchi K, Hasei H, Tamaki H, Fujioka T, Kato R, Soma T and Ogawa H, Allogeneic stem cell transplantation as treatment for heavily treated, refractory acute graft-versus-host disease after HLA-mismatched stem cell transplantation, Exp Hematol, 39(8):880-90, 2011


    • Kimura T, Matsuoka Y, Murakami M, Kimura T, Takahashi M, Nakamoto T, Yasuda K, Matsui K, Kobayashi K, Imai S, Asano H, Nakatsuka R, Uemura Y, Sasaki Y, Sonoda Y: In vivo dynamics of human cord blood-derived CD34- SCID-repopulating cells using intra-bone marrow injection. Leukemia 24:162-168, 2010.
    • Satake A, Inoue T, Kubo S, Taniguchi Y, Imado T, Fujioka T, Horiuchi M, Xu Y, Ikegame K, Yoshihara S, Kaida K, Tamaki H, Okada M, Okamura H and Ogawa H, Separation of antileukemic effects from graft-versus-host disease in MHC-haploidentical murine bone marrow transplantation: participation of host immune cells, Int J Hematol, 91(3):485-97, 2010


    • Sasaki Y, Matsuoka Y, Hase M, Toyohara T, Murakami M, Takahashi M, Nakatsuka R, Uemura Y, Sonoda Y: Marginal expression of CXCR4 on c-kit+Sca-1+Lineage- hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. Int J Hematol 90:553-560, 2009.


    • Tamaki H, Yoshihara S, Fujioka T, Kawakami M, Oka Y and Ogawa H, Molecular detection of AML1-MTG8-positive cells in peripheral blood from a patient with isolated extramedullary relapse of t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia, Leukemia, 23(2):424-6, 2009
    • Taniguchi Y, Yoshihara S, Hoshida Y, Inoue T, Fujioka T, Ikegame K, Kawakami M, Masuda T, Aozasa K, Kawase I and Ogawa H, Recovery from established graft-vs-host disease achieved by bone marrow transplantation from a third-party allogeneic donor, Exp Hematol, 36(9):1216-25, 2008
    • Ogawa H, Ikegame K, Kaida K, Yoshihara S, Fujioka T, Taniguchi Y, Tamaki H, Inoue T, Hasei H, Iiboshi Y, Tazuke Y, Kawakami M, Kim E H, Soma T and Kawase I, Unmanipulated HLA 2-3 antigen-mismatched (haploidentical) bone marrow transplantation using only pharmacological GVHD prophylaxis, Exp Hematol, 36(1):1-8, 2008


    • Kaida K, Ikegame K, Fujioka T, Taniguchi Y, Inoue T, Hasei H, Tamaki H, Yoshihara S, Kawase I and Ogawa H, Kinetics of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in the human milk of a nursing donor receiving treatment for mobilization of the peripheral blood stem cells, Acta Haematol, 118(3):176-7, 2007
    • Fujiki F, Oka Y, Tsuboi A, Kawakami M, Kawakatsu M, Nakajima H, Elisseeva O A, Harada Y, Ito K, Li Z, Tatsumi N, Sakaguchi N, Fujioka T, Masuda T, Yasukawa M, Udaka K, Kawase I, Oji Y and Sugiyama H, Identification and characterization of a WT1 (Wilms Tumor Gene) protein-derived HLA-DRB1*0405-restricted 16-mer helper peptide that promotes the induction and activation of WT1-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes, J Immunother, 30(3):282-93, 2007


    • Ikegame K, Kaida K, Fujioka T, Kawakami M, Hasei H, Inoue T, Taniguchi Y, Yoshihara S, Hayashi S, Kurata Y and Ogawa H, Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura after influenza vaccination in a bone marrow transplantation recipient, Bone Marrow Transplant, 38(4):323-4; author reply 324-5, 2006


    • Li Z, Oka Y, Tsuboi A, Masuda T, Tatsumi N, Kawakami M, Fujioka T, Sakaguchi N, Nakajima H, Fujiki F, Udaka K, Oji Y, Kawase I and Sugiyama H, WT1(235), a ninemer peptide derived from Wilms' tumor gene product, is a candidate peptide for the vaccination of HLA-A*0201-positive patients with hematopoietic malignancies, Int J Hematol, 82(5):458-9, 2005
    • Ikegame K, Kawakami M, Yamagami T, Maeda H, Onishi K, Taniguchi Y, Fujioka T, Masuda T, Kawase I and Ogawa H, HLA-haploidentical nonmyeloablative stem cell transplantation: induction to tolerance without passing through mixed chimaerism, Clin Lab Haematol, 27(2):139-41, 2005


    • Ogawa H, Ikegame K, Kawakami M, Tsuboi A, Kim E H, Hosen N, Murakami M, Fujioka T, Masuda T, Taniguchi Y, Yoshihara S, Tatekawa T, Oka Y, Kawase I, Soma T and Oji Y, Powerful graft-versus-leukemia effects exerted by HLA-haploidentical grafts engrafted with a reduced-intensity regimen for relapse following myeloablative HLA-matched transplantation, Transplantation, 78(3):488-9, 2004
    • Kim E H, Ikegame K, Kawakami M, Nishida S, Fujioka T, Taniguchi Y, Masuda T, Oka Y, Kawase I and Ogawa H, Unmanipulated reduced-intensity stem cell transplantation from a haploidentical donor mismatched at 3 HLA antigens to a patient with leukemic transformation of myelodysplastic syndrome: successful second transplantation after graft rejection, Int J Hematol, 80(5):449-52, 2004


    • Tamaki H, Mishima M, Kawakami M, Tsuboi A, Kim E H, Hosen N, Ikegame K, Murakami M, Fujioka T, Masuda T, Taniguchi Y, Nishida S, Osumi K, Soma T, Oji Y, Oka Y, Kawase I, Sugiyama H and Ogawa H, Monitoring minimal residual disease in leukemia using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction for Wilms tumor gene (WT1), Int J Hematol, 78(4):349-56, 2003
    • Tamaki H, Ikegame K, Kawakami M, Fujioka T, Tsuboi A, Oji Y, Oka Y, Sugiyama H, Kawase I and Ogawa H, Successful engraftment of HLA-haploidentical related transplants using nonmyeloablative conditioning with fludarabine, busulfan and anti-T-lymphocyte globulin, Leukemia, 17(10):2052-4, 2003
    • Ogawa H, Tamaki H, Ikegame K, Soma T, Kawakami M, Tsuboi A, Kim E H, Hosen N, Murakami M, Fujioka T, Masuda T, Taniguchi Y, Nishida S, Oji Y, Oka Y and Sugiyama H, The usefulness of monitoring WT1 gene transcripts for the prediction and management of relapse following allogeneic stem cell transplantation in acute type leukemia, Blood, 101(5):1698-704, 2003
    • Ikegame K, Tanji Y, Kitai N, Tamaki H, Kawakami M, Fujioka T, Oka Y, Maruya E, Saji H, Sugiyama H and Ogawa H, Successful treatment of refractory T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia by unmanipulated stem cell transplantation from an HLA 3-loci mismatched (haploidentical) sibling, Bone Marrow Transplant, 31(6):507-10, 2003
    • Ikegame K, Mukouchi C, Kunitomi A, Konaka Y, Kawakami M, Nishida S, Taniguchi Y, Fujioka T, Masuda T, Murakami M, Hosen N, Kim E H, Tsuboi A, Oji Y, Oka Y, Sugiyama H, Kawase I and Ogawa H, Successful treatment of bcr/abl-positive acute mixed lineage leukemia by unmanipulated bone marrow transplantation from an HLA-haploidentical (3-antigen-mismatched) cousin, Bone Marrow Transplant, 31(12):1165-8, 2003
    • Fujioka T, Taniguchi Y, Masuda T, Nishida S, Ikegame K, Kawakami M, Tsuboi A, Hosen N, Murakami M, Oji Y, Oka Y, Sugiyama H, Kawase I and Ogawa H, The effect on the proliferation and apoptosis of alloreactive T cells of cell dose in a murine MHC-mismatched hematopoietic cell transplantation model, Transpl Immunol, 11(2):187-95, 2003


    • Tsuboi A, Oka Y, Udaka K, Murakami M, Masuda T, Nakano A, Nakajima H, Yasukawa M, Hiraki A, Oji Y, Kawakami M, Hosen N, Fujioka T, Wu F, Taniguchi Y, Nishida S, Asada M, Ogawa H, Kawase I and Sugiyama H, Enhanced induction of human WT1-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes with a 9-mer WT1 peptide modified at HLA-A*2402-binding residues, Cancer Immunol Immunother, 51(11-12):614-20, 2002
    • Oji Y, Miyoshi S, Maeda H, Hayashi S, Tamaki H, Nakatsuka S, Yao M, Takahashi E, Nakano Y, Hirabayashi H, Shintani Y, Oka Y, Tsuboi A, Hosen N, Asada M, Fujioka T, Murakami M, Kanato K, Motomura M, Kim E H, Kawakami M, Ikegame K, Ogawa H, Aozasa K, Kawase I and Sugiyama H, Overexpression of the Wilms' tumor gene WT1 in de novo lung cancers, Int J Cancer, 100(3):297-303, 2002
    • Ogawa H, Soma T, Hosen N, Tatekawa T, Tsuboi A, Oji Y, Tamaki H, Kawakami M, Ikegame K, Murakami M, Fujioka T, Kim E H, Oka Y and Sugiyama H, Combination of tacrolimus, methotrexate, and methylprednisolone prevents acute but not chronic graft-versus-host disease in unrelated bone marrow transplantation, Transplantation, 74(2):236-43, 2002
    • Hosen N, Sonoda Y, Oji Y, Kimura T, Minamiguchi H, Tamaki H, Kawakami M, Asada M, Kanato K, Motomura M, Murakami M, Fujioka T, Masuda T, Kim E H, Tsuboi A, Oka Y, Soma T, Ogawa H and Sugiyama H, Very low frequencies of human normal CD34+ haematopoietic progenitor cells express the Wilms' tumour gene WT1 at levels similar to those in leukaemia cells, Br J Haematol, 116(2):409-20, 2002


    • Ikegame K, Takimoto T, Takahashi R, Murakami M, Tamaki H, Fujioka T, Kawakami M, Hirabayashi N, Soma T, Sugiyama H and Ogawa H, Lethal adenovirus infection in a patient who had undergone nonmyeloablative stem cell transplantation, Int J Hematol, 74(1):95-100, 2001


    • ヒト造血幹細胞濃縮画分の製造方法
      発明者:薗田 精昭, 松岡 由和, 角出 啓輔