Greeting from a PI (Research Professor)
Upgrading the cardio-regenerative medicine using prulipotent stem cells.
Creation of innovative technologies for organ regenerating therapeutics.
Promoting researches widely and tightly connecting with industry.

Kansai Medical University School of Medicine
Department of iPS Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine
Research Professor (PI) Fumiyuki Hattori
Since April 2018, I have been assigned to be Research Professor as a PI at Department of iPS Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine in Kansai Medical University (KMU) School of Medicine. Since 2002, I have been working on the development of basic technologies for cardiac regenerative medicine using pluripotent stem cells, and have created numerous innovated technologies at Department of Cardiology in Keio University School of Medicine. In KMU, in addition to continuing the works of innovation, I will instruct and train-up graduate/undergraduate students to make researchers who can create innovations from their own ideas.
In the view of my career in industry, I believe that it is development of open innovations and research for various needs from the society including clinical games,